abhilash2863's Forum Posts

  • I have many game ideas, i am also able to make prototypes of those ideas but my real weakness is that i can't draw graphics for those games and when I look at my sh*tty sprites it makes me demotivated to further develop the project.

    Since everybody here looks expert in making sprites, could somebody point me to useful graphics tutorials from where you learnt??

    Right now I use flash for graphics but I am considering switching over to something free and opensouce.

    Any help??

  • the game doesn't work for me, there is not even an error message. When i start the game a black screen appears then the game hangs, i have to use ALT+CTRL+DEL to exit the game. Downloading a 200Mb+ game on a 256K modem and finding that it doesn't work is not a nice experience.

    Here are specs of my PC if you need them:

    WinXP SP2 32 bit

    2 GB RAM

    ATI Radeon X200 graphics

    DirectX 9.0c (i'm sure i have the latest version)

    Anyways I liked the story i read on the website, but I have a one doubt, what is the meaning of destroying reality??

  • thanx for the help, since I did not enable FPS in caption I didn't notice the FPS lag

  • there is some problem in using nested FOR loop because when I create a nested for loop and run the preview it seems to work fine but when I again test the program it gives the error "A Preview is already running" even though i have closed the preview. I opened the task manager and found that the temp.exe was still running, I end the process and again previewed the layout and it ran without any problems, but again when I close the preview, the temp.exe is still running. This problem seems to only occur when I use nested FOR loop.

    here is the .cap of what I trying to do


    This is the first time I am trying to use loops so there are chances that I may be doing some dumb mistakes

  • that stuff looks impressive, it looks way better than any of my drawings even though you used a keyboard

  • limbo's website was updated a few hours ago. The new site has more wallpapers and teasers and they sure look impressive!

    the website : limbogame.org

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  • SoldjahBoy

    ohhhh! my tiny innocent eyes can't take so much!

  • here is the file


    the rar has 2 folders with one having exe and other having the cap , to use a custom sprite refer to the readme

  • i'm sorry to tell but i stopped working on this experiment a while ago but i do have a another version in which is more simplified and usable and a save/load function can be implemented easily in it. But in this example save/load is almost impossible. Colour change can be done i think, there are events for that(maybe). You can even have sprites frames loaded at runtime giving the user ability to use his own sprites. My other example has this feature.

    I'll upload it later maybe after an hour or two...going for classes

  • great game but sort of difficult to play. The graphics look nice and the laser from the skull's eyes looks really kickass , you should surely continue developing this game and maybe lower the difficulty a bit.

    P.S how did you make those sprites, i mean which software??

  • nice work, but you could have used the canvas object that would allow it to save the text when you exit the program because whats the use of a reminder program that can't...well...remember anything?

    I'll post a example later

  • I agree with MrMiller, the forum has HUGE amount of knowledge but sadly most of it is been missing from the Wiki for example on the Object List page-

    http://sourceforge.net/apps/mediawiki/c ... bject_List

    Information on many types of objects is missing and they are the things I am most interested in like imageManip, timeline, ZIP , Audio Converter etc. I'm sure the information may be hidden somewhere in the forum but I'll have to dig really deep.


    I don't know how you'll take this suggestion but when you release Construct v1, then maybe you could spend a month or two improving the Wiki asking help from users instead of developing construct

  • goat...ugh!(i'm sorry but i'm allergic to meat,chicken, goat or anything that has legs )

    meat shouldn't be hard to find here, you'll get them at almost all restaurants(non-veg ones)

    you are in southern India, you'll get rice with nearly everything....

  • thanks for explaining but is there any way the trail object doesn't go into negative dimensions, I figured a way by just changing the value for decrement from 3 to 0.5 but I don't think that's a good solution...

  • hehe...even i don't know how I got this effect but heck it's great to look at


    I was making a prototype for a game and wanted to add trails behind the player, i got that effect after a few tries but i wanted to spice it up so i started fiddling with the height and width properties when i accidently got this effect.

    Now, could someone explain how's it happening??