abasel's Forum Posts

  • How do I achieve the downwards movement of the space aliens in the standard spave invader game?

    I can get on alien to move left and right, descending as it goes but I can't get a block of them to do this; well not without the others ultimatelt crashing into each other or loosing position.

  • A simple question, I know but I can't work our how to test for a collision between two players.

  • Hi

    I am trying to work out how to user PeerJS with construct and would love to look at your code. If you don't want to do this, may be you could at least answer the following post for me :-)

    Based om dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/5426011/plugins/peerjsPlugin/rojo_PeerJS.zip, how do I test for a collision between too players.

    Also how did you get your game to start with the players joining automatically?

  • Thanks, that will work :-)

  • I want to destroy an object when it is hit from the top only i.e. I have a man in a multistory building that is made from one type of object. When he walks on or into this object nothing must happen but when it falls on him he must die. The building material has physics property.

  • I have an item that I want to destroy when it crashes to the ground. It however must not die on contact with the object that is between it and the ground. Because of this I can not use collisions. I have unsuccessfully tried the following:

    Given the object a Boolean variable called "Falling" and set this to false.

    In the event sheet I then do the following:

    Test If the velocity of the item is > 1 then set "Falling" to true.

    Test if falling and velocity is = 0 then destroy object.

    I have tried this on the sprite in the "Template-PhysicsCatapult" but it doesn't work

  • I tried the following to get question 2 above to work.


    I was hoping that the track layer might act as a mask but it didn't

  • I have a number of tiles that will allow me to build a racing track (birds-eye view style).

    How do I:

    1) test to check that the car is on the track?

    2) Bound the car to the track?

  • OK so I got it to work 100%.. and this is how

    When exporting to HTML I set the folders as follows:



    I then uploaded the games folder to the root of my Joomla host. I also uploaded jquery-1.7.1.min.js, c2runtime.js and logo.png to the Joomla root.

    I edited the c2runtime.js changing all occurrences of games/ to ../games/

    The body section of index.html I pasted into the required Joomla article using the sourcer plugin.

    So that I could add more games in future I renamed c2runtime.js to c2runtime-sc.js and updated its reference to such in the article body :-)

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  • What I should have been clearer about is that the Joomla and Construct hosts are two separate hosts.

  • Using the Sourcerer plugin I have included the the body section of the Contruct index.html file in my article.

    I then edited <script src="c2runtime.js"></script> to be <script src="http://mygameshost/c2runtime.js"></script>

    The problem is that the JS file refers to the images and media via a relative address and I need it to point to an absolute, fixed address. I tried editing c2runtime.js file and it just breaks.

    Any ideas?

  • Many thanks... :-) I thought it was working before I added the collisions of the particles.... just couldn't work it out :-)

    Did you use some special debugging technique or did you just see it?

  • Looking at the attached file, in the "Event - Game" and then the "Explode asteroid section".

    The idea is as follows, the asteroid is shot which then explodes into smaller sub asteroids. These sub asteroids are meant to move off in random directions but don't. Instead they move off in a straight line from left to right.

    Any ideas as to what I am doing wrong?


  • Many thanks... can't believe how rusty I am :-)