99Instances2Go's Forum Posts

  • Always happy when someone figures it out themselfs.

  • Ah yes, its a deja-vu, you saw it in my capx. : )

  • You will manage. Once you see the light, you can not unsee it again.

    Just see how i use chains of events that work on the previous picked items, until that one item is left as a seed for the actions.

    You created there a perfect puzzle to learn from.

    And i would like the def cpax of this, if thats ok.

    Again, i am sure that you will manage, because if you have that 'click' it 'clicked' for ever.

  • First read this: https://www.scirra.com/manual/75/how-events-work

    Do yourself a favor. Else you have no idea what i am rambling about.

    Secondly, dont workt that way in construct. It is not readable. Grab that line in the middle (between conditions & actions), drag it to the right, so you see more of the conditions on one line.

    Tird. Would be so much easyer if you dropped the capx.

    But ok. In event 72. You pick the object that is dropped AND all the others it is overlapping with. I have ofcourse no idea if it can overlap more then 1 object. Lets assume not. So you have now 2 objects picked. And both are instances of the same object. Thats a guess, i cant see it with every block so compressed.

    In event 73 you, with those two objects picked, you gonna filter out that list of those two objects further. You pick any of those 2 objects who's instance variable ID is same as the instance variable ID of any of those two objects. This includes the objects themself. Ofcours ID of the same object is the same. This makes both objects still picked. So, the actions run on both objects. And the instance bolean Correct of both objects get set to true.

    And this is not what you want. You read those condition wrong. I know that most programming works like IF THIS, THEN THAT. But that is not really the case in Construct.

    There are conditions that do not filter the picked (selected) objects. Like the System > Compare two values. They are of a pure if this then that type. Almost all others, and usaly you have to select an object when making that condition, DO FILTER the PREVIOUS PICKED LIST OF OBJECTS.

    I know that the manual says: actions run when the condition is true. But actions need also objects to run on. If the condition filters all objects out, the action has no objects to run on.

    Back to your problem. This is solvable. But it depends on if you have acces to families or not.

  • I suggest you go back to that plugin, first.

    It is a behavior.

    So you gots to install it in Program Files\Construct 2\exporters\html5\behaviors

    A behavior = https://www.scirra.com/manual/72/behaviors

    Regarding the bullet, on collison it stops at the collission boundarys of the distination object.

    To stop a it at exactly then center, the bullet is not the best solution.

    Regarding the other question, did you complete at least one tutorial ?

  • If you use a bullet, then there are two ways to stop a bullet. Or set its speed to zero, or set the behavior to dissabled.

    Question is now, when to stop it.

    Easyest is, on colission with destination object .. stop the bullet.

    Ther are ofcours other ways to do this.

    Use a plugin like:


    Use lerp.

    https://www.scirra.com/tutorials/378/cr ... -with-lerp

    Use pathfinding.


    Use set angle towards an object & move forward

    And this list is still not complete.

  • tokenat(src, index, separator)

    In your case. You want to find the first word ....

    tokenat("Wolf B Online", 0, " ") ... will return "Wolf" (seperator = a space character)

    Second word ...

    tokenat("Wolf B Online", 1, " ") ... will return "B"

    As always, anywhere there is an index, it is zero based.

  • Sounds familiar.

  • I am not sure what you want.

    There are 2 switches for each (2) doors. Do you want them to open when both switches are pressed? In that case you dont have blocks enough to solve this puzzle. So i interpreted it as: 1 switch = 1 then open doors .. 2 switches = 0 .. then close the doors. Any other interpretation you can easy do based on this capX.

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1SSu ... k56dUxjazA

    More Questions ? Just ask. Unless you dont like my attempts to write some English.

    I changed the animations to be able to use them as a usefull switch.

  • This is a dirty trick. But it solves that problem.

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1SSu ... UFuLWJnMzA

  • I sneaked a lot of text manipulation actions in there. And how to use them. It is very flexible.

  • Or it is the router, build in firewall ? You know that i am guessing, difficult to know when one can't see the setups.

    Depending on your windows version, there is also a 'troubleshooter' in windows. Do a Google search on it. It usaly repairs it well.

    http://windows.microsoft.com/en-us/wind ... bleshooter

  • Still.

    Better solve the cause. If the problem is what you allready dedected. Then i wonder if you let Construct decide over the Collission Polygones when you imported the frames. That is a bad habbit. You should check and make the polygones yourself. Or use a plain invisible sprite for the collisions and pin the animated player on it.

    It is is not a good idea too to animate the collision poligones.

    It is not a good idea to have differend framesizes for each animated frame.

    To make all frames the same size. Find the frame with the biggest size in all animations. Note down the width & height. Choose any other frame. Click the 'size' button. Put widht & height in. Image: align center. Check the 'apply to whole animation' thingy. Do for all animations.

    To set the origin the same for all frames. Right click the origin in the list of imagepoints. Choose apply to all animations.

    To set the same polygones to all frames. Choose a frame. Set the polygones to your liking. Right click the sprite (with th poligones visible). Choose set to whole animation.

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  • Set the origin in each frame on the same place.