Better solve the cause. If the problem is what you allready dedected. Then i wonder if you let Construct decide over the Collission Polygones when you imported the frames. That is a bad habbit. You should check and make the polygones yourself. Or use a plain invisible sprite for the collisions and pin the animated player on it.
It is is not a good idea too to animate the collision poligones.
It is not a good idea to have differend framesizes for each animated frame.
To make all frames the same size. Find the frame with the biggest size in all animations. Note down the width & height. Choose any other frame. Click the 'size' button. Put widht & height in. Image: align center. Check the 'apply to whole animation' thingy. Do for all animations.
To set the origin the same for all frames. Right click the origin in the list of imagepoints. Choose apply to all animations.
To set the same polygones to all frames. Choose a frame. Set the polygones to your liking. Right click the sprite (with th poligones visible). Choose set to whole animation.