99Instances2Go's Forum Posts

  • No, there is no clash. I did't expect you to read it like that. Even though, i could have written that, there are languages i write much better in.

    I tried to lead you in finding out the things by yourself.

    The default controls do what you need: A double jump when in the air.

    If you change one of the default controls, you need to take control of them all. And suddenly, as by magic, you will see the solution just by yourself.

    If i understand you correct, you want a double jump when in the air only if 'z' is pressed. In that case you also need to alter the 'up arrow', so it dont double jump. Easy as that, when you take control.



    Not that i would like play this way. I still prefer default to play.

  • No prob. Upload a Cap. I am lost (but that is nothing new).

  • Give the enemies an identification code (on creation) by use of an instance-variable. Then add an event that checks that instance-variable.

    By instance. Give the enemies an instance-variable 'id', make it 'text'. Give 'id' a value when you create enemy. First enemy, value = "Peter". Second enemy, value = "John" and so on ....

    Then add a condition thogheter with the Y-checking: instance-variable of enemy = "Peter" > do this

    Dont have to be text, ofcourse, it is just easy to explain that way.

  • The biggest problem is that statement: "By the way, jump is the 'Z' key."

    It is not. Why ?

    Well, the Platform-Behaviour is still running in 'Default Controls'. That makes the Up-Arrowkey the JumpKey.

    If you want different. Then you have to change the 'Default Controls' property from 'yes' to 'no' in the Platform-Behaviour.

    After that you are free to use 'z' as the JumpKey. But that means also that you have to make events for Left and Right. Once done that, everything else will be easy and work as you expect it to do.

    Maybe follow this Tut for a minute:


  • Is this what we talk about ?



    There are two bloks because i cant figure out wich 'one' is meant in "Now make it check variable 'one' is equal to zero."

    Subevents run if there parent(s) is (are) True.

    Under the left mouse, the OR-subs only and only run if te local var = zero.

    Under the right mouse, the OR-subs can never ever run because you stated that de global var should be 1.

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  • Collisions is a total differend story. You provide a CAP with not 1 collision is happening. Then you complain that the solution only works for your CAP.

    So, here is a CAP that understands collisions.



    There is a Framedrop 4sure. But not because of de few events. Press the key to dissable the events.

  • https://


  • It 'hits the ground', so i suppose in is not endless. The 'hitman' stays on position. Use the physics/chipmunk and follow the 'object' with the camera.


  • Personaly, i use physics and an invisible solid. Because it fals so nice. It lands so natural. The code is minimal.

    And most of all, it has the 'is sleeping' condition.

  • Moving just on the Y, that would be

    lerp(startY,endY, f * dt)

    startY is the Y at startpoint

    endy is the Y at endpoint

    f is the speed (something between 50 and 120) in pixels/tick (kinda/sorta)

    So lets say, menu sits at y = -100

    It has to slide to y = 50

    at a speed 60

    Set y position menu > lerp(-100,50,60 * dt)

  • Not sure why you insist on using a Function. If you really want too, i can show you.

    But. Consider this.

    'On x Destroyed' is allready a function with as parameter(0): the destroyd object. It gets called by a trigger, just automaticaly and with not headaches.




  • I presume you dont have acces to famelies.

    Allow me to offer you 2 warnings.

    1/ I am not an expert.

    2/ I am pretty sure that there is no easy solution.

    Two more general things.

    On Collision is a trigger. In your Cap none of the 'sprites' is moving. So its kinda useless to use On Collision. The trigger keeps firing.

    Because the trigger keeps firing, your Cap is in a state of an endless loop. You should be more carefull with that.

    Now. Your problem. Why is it not that easy?

    Well, when using 'on collision' condition on all those 'sprites' a big list of sprites is returned as a result in the Selected Object List (official term, wich i call 'the picklist'). 15 in your case.

    On top, you want to compare them in pairs.

    Is one's flag 0 and the other one's flag 1, then do this(), if they overlap.

    This Cap is one way to do it. The ListObject gives inside on whats happening. Lists are awsome debugging helpers.



    You will see 'pick all' conditions.


    The conditions before those 'pick all' conditions narrowed down The Picklist.

    The 'sprite' that needed to be tested was not any more in The Picklist.

    Therfore, enlarge The Picklist was needed.

  • Well. Imagine you have some walls, floors and enemys hiding behind them. The walls and floors are solid and are needed that way for, by instance, a platform behaviour.

    Would you like the walls and floors to be included in the picklist generated by a LOS condition ?

  • I would do it this way:



    Not pretending that this is the best solution.

  • I must be missing something, i dont see a 'sometimes' happen. Plz explain ?