99Instances2Go's Forum Posts

  • Plz look again the example. Yours is way off. I dont recall using an or.

  • Pathfinder does not keep objects out of the solids. It just finds paths. You have to try to make it find paths that stay enough away from the solids. For that you need to tweek the Cell size & the Cell border.

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/g726tpvjzxqul ... .capx?dl=0

    Look the grid, cell size, border and look the invisible things.

  • Bouncing is a very specific movement. Why not use the build in 'bouncers' ?

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B1SSu ... Th4aVdidGM

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  • I meant, you can not use it in families containg others types of objects.

  • Is the 9-patch plugin an option ? (besides that you can not use it in familys)


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  • You are right, you can scrap the second one. (in event 10)

    It is set to zero allready in event 4 when saved amount is zero.

  • I do not understand the loop you make.

    Just use a variable 'position'.

    The character is now mid(alphabet,position,1)

    Add 1 to postion on every click on the right arrow

    Substract 1 to postion on every click on the left arrow

    if position < 0 set postion to 26

    if postion > 26 set position to zero

    Your loop always ends on the 'Z', it loops them all on every click on the arrow and on every click on the arrow it ends on the Z.

  • Bring all actions in events 4,5 and 6 to event 3.

    You have a container with al those objects in. If you create an enemy, they all get created too.

    Now, 'on created' is a trigger. So, all those 'on created' conditions happen kinda at the same time, and for sure not in the order that you want them to happen. Meaning: the position of the bar got set before the frame was in position.

    If you bring them all in 1 'on creation', the event will trigger and set all the objects in the container to 'selected' (picked). The actions under it will run top-down, as you intended to do.

  • Set a few invisible objects. Move from object to object with the the behaviour i allready pointed to:

    Look at the demo and the capx provided.

  • The easy way is to use (the default) solids. Doors & walls must be solid. Regenerate the map. Do this under 1 'trigger once while true.

    Use 'Regenerate region around object (the door) when its frame changed (close AND open). And ofcourse, after you changed its 'solid state'. It will reconize the changed 'solid state' and adjust the obastacles arround the door.

    Be aware that the obstacle map is ready the next tick (NOT this tick). So, the 'find path' you can do at the start of the event sheet.

    The 'on path found' you can set wherever you want. But, i dont see it in the pict. So i have no idea how often you force it to find a new path. Cant be done to often, because then all it does is search, and before a path is found, it will be searching again.

    The way you do it, all obstacles all over again, it can take quite some time to generate the obstacle map. And you probaly found a path before the obstacle map is ready.

    Also, there is ONLY ONE obstacle map. So setting new obstacles for one pathfinding object will change the obstacle map for all. So, dont use a 'for each' to set obstacles for all pathfinding objects.

    So what do you do wrong? I can guess, but i have no idea. I dont see the layout. Is the door to small compared to cellsize and cellborder? Did you forced it to look for a path before the obstacle map was ready ? Do you force it to find a path to often ? Are the collision polygones weird ? But i suppose, with those tips you can solve it.

    If you want to be sure, start a timer on the moment you regenerate the obstacle map (like 0.2 secondes). And when the timers goes off, let it find a path.

    Hope this 'rambling in the dark' helps you some.

  • Not only that, if it starts the animation to play from the beginning every tick, then all you see is the first frame.

    But, i can not state that based on a screenshot of 2 % of the event sheet.

    There are 2 options.

    The conditions is a trigger. The animations will play fine. Example:

    On Jump.

    Play animation "x-file" from beginning.

    The conditions are no trigger, then the condition can be true for many tricks in a row. Should use a 'trigger once while true'. Example:

    Compare two values > velocityX > 0

    Trigger once while true

    Play animation "x-file" from beginning.

    This means that one needs events to do stuff thats needs to evaluate and run actions every tick.

    And seperatly events that trigger animations. (can be subs).

  • And with those exceptions in place ?

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/5j3qvloug3nzi ... .capx?dl=0

  • Each way is fine. By now you have seen that for each problem there are 50 solutions in C2.

    Like using that simple 'On start of Layout'. I used to use that heavely. Now i rather use 'once while triggered'. In most circumstances, they do the same. But for me, the last one reads nicer, it wraps my head arround it in a better way.

    That is usaly the factor that makes you choose for one or the other way the most. How it wraps your head arround it.

    There is only 1 thing that you should avoid, (well a few more, but ... ) do not use collission/overlap conditions in big (nested) loops for many objects EACH TICK. That will bring the performans down.

  • That gives me a solid direction. TyvM.