I think this would work (Image here):
Add these instance variables to the enemy:
"timer" starts at 100
"playerX" and "playerY" starts at 0
Enemy collision with player
Enemy set "timer" to 0
Enemy set "playerX" to 0
Enemy set "playerY" to 0
Enemy "timer" < 100
Enemy set "timer" to clamp(timer+(<font color="blue">10</font>*60*dt),0,100)
Enemy set X to
self.x + (cos(angle(self.x, self.y, self.playerX, self.playerY) ) *-1* lerp(0, <font color="red">30</font>, self.timer*0.01))
Enemy set Y to
self.y + (sin(angle(self.x, self.y, self.playerX, self.playerY) ) *-1* lerp(0, <font color="red">30</font>, self.timer*0.01))
<font color="blue">10</font> is the speed at which it moves.
<font color="red">30</font> is the distance