5Type's Forum Posts

  • Use the Browser object and access the property/variable "Language".

  • You can check this quick example that should get you started:

    https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B5CwB ... WNnbjJrMDg

  • There are several ways of doing what you want.

    First of all think of what would end the combo:

    • Landing on the floor
    • After certain amount of time with no hit, combo is over

    Those End-Of-Combo conditions can be translated into Events.

    • Playerbox is on floor / overlapping / collision etc...
    • on Timer -> End combo

    The way you would do this is really up to you.

    I would imagine this like that:

    • Setup a variable on the player instance "combocounter"
    • Setup a object with a Timer behavior
    • With each hit add to that variable and set the Timer you configured to duration x-seconds (depends on how long your combo without a hit would last. This will make sure everytime you make a next hit, the timer will be reset to the full duration.
    • Setup an event "on timer..." that will catch your timer when it runs out and make it call a function "endCombo".
    • Setup your function "endCombo" and make it do all the stuff you want when a combo is over. e.g. add points or show the final combo count.
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  • Trying my first boss fight mechanics.

    P.S. You can see I referenced a lot of SUL, just because I love that game.

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    [quote:3q2d8qxq]That's great news, but do you have a link to where that was confirmed/could you point me where?

    Last I'd seen, he had only said (and I'm paraphrasing here) "If the subscription model fails, obviously we'll re-evaluate, we're not idiots."

    Correct, they nowhere said they are changing the pricing model.

    Last thing said from Tom was here:

    Context was a question of the discount for C2 license holders and they confirmed the pricing there as well.

    P.S. PixelPower:

    It does not really help opening a thousand threads upon the same topic and incite the community.

    Just take a moment back and follow the announcements.

    P.S.S. C3 isn't Chrome dependent, its web standard dependent, but only chrome has implemented what they need already.

    That means of course they can provide their own wrappers in case something breaks.

  • Time will tell.

    Keep calm and enjoy the ride.

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    Ofcourse there are bugs in chrome.

    Will they affect C3? Probably.

    Thing is there have always been bugs in software,

    Nobody is perfect on this.


    Just like there are bugs, there are possibilities

    to work around them. It may just be more work,

    but rarely anything is impossible.

    Think outside the box, don't fall stuck on the Chrome thing.

    They only announced Chrome, since it has the Standards they make use of.

    Also keep in mind, C3 is not released yet. Open beta did not even start.

    There are bugs for sure, but most likely the big ones will be solved in time

    And you won't see anything of it.

  • Not sure, but i'd try this (propably not best practice):

    1. Put your effect code in a function, since you want it to work more than one object.

    2. Put your objects in a object family

    3. Run your function on each family member and hand over your UID.

    4. Pick your object by UID from the function parameter.

  • Modulo gives you the rest that occurs when dividing numbers.


    17 % 3 = 2 (17 = 5*3 + 2)

    3 can be inside of 17 5 times, what is left is 2 (since its not divisible by 3 for putting out natural numbers).

    Modulo will always give you that "rest" number. In case the number on the left is lower, you will always get the number on the left back.

    1 % 4 = 1

    2 % 4 = 2

    3 % 4 = 3

    4 % 4 = 0

    5 % 4 = 1

    You could (just an example) use it for determining every so and so number of elements in a loop.

    Imagine having 12 enemys that you want to split to the left and right via a loop every 3 enemies changing the side. (yes i know, quite made up that example).

    You would go check for each loop index + 1 % 3 equals 0 and change the sides.

    edit: sorry guess you knew what modulo is about. Go by MadSpys examples on how to use it.

    Guess that really depends on what logic you want to do, just sometimes modulos might be the answer you need.

  • Nefaru no no, i really dig that difficulty

  • Nice work!

    Really enjoyed it, thus it is very hard

    These bouncy fish and the boss killed me like a thousand times.