Image memes are fun and all, but I don?t think this is the place for them.
Maybe I didn?t put the question clearly, so let me try to explain:
As now, a tilemap is an entire object with one possible behavior for each tilemap, so If I wanted to have different behaviors for different tiles, I would need to create multiple spritesheets and assign them the behaviors.
I?m starting to work on a pretty large project, so it would be benefitial to have each tile in a tilemap to be treated as a separate sprite and the entire tilemap be treated as an 2d array, so I could better control them on runtime.
For example, I could create separate collision maps for different tiles, change behaviors based on each one and destroy them individually if I so wish.
I?m asking if there are plans for the future to treat the tilemap this way, akin to other solutions like Unity?s 2d Toolkit or Rotorz.