[Suggestion] Tile Map "Collision Painting"

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From the Asset Store
A template which allows you to customise the controls of your game.
  • The moment the long-awaited tile-map plugin was introduced, I couldn't help but notice the questions about how to go about handling collision. Well, I do have an idea that could make life easier for everyone...

    Have a separate 'tile palette' that contains a set of generic shapes scaled to the size of the tiles, such as full squares, rectangles that partially cover the tile, triangles for slopes, etc. These are 'painted' over the graphical tiles, and don't appear in runtime (unless you want them to for debugging purposes), and represent collision polygons. That way, you can enable static tile collision that can be individually shaped for each tile. Hell, you might even be able to make your own collision tiles for your own needs, depending on what's possible.

    Sure, it's not perfect, but at least you won't have to create collision sprites for individual tiles. I'm not sure if it's doable in terms of the technical details, but it's worth suggesting, at least.

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  • I think it would be better in the long run to try implementing per pixel collision or some kind os collision mask that we could use with each tileset.

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