29689redacted's Forum Posts

  • <center><img src="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/169493LightULogoV20.png" border="0" /></center>

    Well hello,

    As the title says, I will present here an application I did with CC, instead of a game.

    An application called LightU...

    Well, no much to say about it, let's start from the basic:

    << LightU is a little and very simple software that allows you to surf anonymously with a pre-configured and "proxified" browser (Firefox), so when you open web pages, it opens them from the proxy, and as the proxy is installed on a server, your IP on the browser would be the server's one. >>

    But firstly I have to say, this is not a VPN, it's just a proxy installed on a free hosting.

    Why? Simply because I did LightU for fun, what's more great than some experimentation?

    Screen of the welcome page:

    <img src="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/977263Screen4.jpg" border="0" />

    All screens are posted on lapstern.com/software/index.html

    And of course, the most important, the download link !

    >>> bit.ly/dl-lightu-ver-2-0

    Don't hesitate to comment and post your feedback! <img src="smileys/smiley4.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Amazing! And how do Construct Classic reacts with a big project like yours? You don't have bugs or crashes?

  • <img src="http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/815413IMG010.gif" border="0" />

    Hi everyone,,

    As you certainly know, there's a plugin named "Download" in the "Internet" group.

    Very simple to use.

    But now... How to READ the downloaded file?

    If for exemple I use this plugin to download site.com/file.txt, and I want CC to extract the information contained in that txt document and let me do some comparisons, how do I need to proceed?

    Thanks in advance.


  • : Yes, indeed, that works with Python:

    <img src="http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/747449IMG001.gif" border="0" />

    Jayjay: He he, no, I tried such things but the problem is that the HTML understand only the formatted text, so if you put a code like:

    <strong>A bold label</strong>

    It would show "<strong>A bold label</strong>" instead of "A bold label".

    Actually... It's like a a fake HTML object... <img src="smileys/smiley17.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

    I would certainly use your solution, R0j.

  • Thanks for the answers.

    Yeah that's what I've choose finally...

    I've checked your solution R0j, and... Waouw... So much code for a little picture :-D


  • <center><img src="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/667192IMG002.gif" border="0" /></center>

    Well hello,

    I see there's a HTML plugin on CC, but it only can load or show self written HTML file, so all needs to be done locally.

    But is there any plugins that allows you to place a HTML frame that loads an internet page instead, like google.com, etc.?


  • <center><img src="http://img11.hostingpics.net/pics/410388IMG001.gif" border="0" /></center>

    Hi everyone,

    I'm actually working on a small application with Construct Classic.

    I used "Application" as project runtime instead of DirectX.

    But... It seems to be that for Construct Classic, a application can't have sprites, and so, pictures.

    My question is: how to add a picture to an application then?

    Second question: I could use the DirectX runtime, but is that a good choice for a simple system interactive application?

    I mean, the application wouldn't use any animated graphics or other game type elements, just some file manipulation, so...

    Thanks in advance!

  • <img src="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/912823TFLogo.png" border="0" />

    Well hello there,

    Yeah, as the title says, I'm posting here my "test" project.

    It's just some tests that I've done for future serious projects, but also to know how Construct Classic would react in big projects (very badly...), of course mine isn't big, maybe between medium and small.

    <font color=green><font size="4">Enough talking, here are some screens and a video:</font></font>

    <img src="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/746456Screen1.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/222568Screen2.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/471430Screen3.jpg" border="0" />

    <img src="http://img15.hostingpics.net/pics/178895Screen4.jpg" border="0" />


    And finally, here are THE links:

    <font color=green><font size="4">? DOWNLOAD THE GAME ONLY</font></font> (12.6 MB)


    <font color=green><font size="4">? DOWNLOAD THE ENTIRE PROJECT (WITH SOURCE FILES)</font></font> (59 MB)


    Well, that's all I have, comment! (even if there's no much things to comment...)

    Thanks in advance!

  • Giving another life to this thread...

    Actually I don't know why but with my new .cap file those system actions like Set fixed FPS or Set timescale aren't working for me at all.

    I've got "animated" buttons, so when the mouse is under the object, it goes to the frame 2, and gets back as soon as the mouse goes away, very simple.

    But I have special sequences in my game when the user is questioned, with a transparent black sprite, text and sprite objects, and during theses sequences I need only the special layer to work, and block the other ones.

    How could I do that?

  • Very great plugin!

    The XAudio object is just awfull to use, Audiere simplifies all this, thanks!

  • Timeline !!

    I was using it in time, completely forgotten about it, thanks for the reminder! <img src="smileys/smiley2.gif" border="0" align="middle" />

  • Arima: I'm reading my comment again and actually it does not have any sense, because yes C2 is stronger than CC, I just lost the principal argument of CC: the gratuity.

    You can do alot of things for free, unlike C2.


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  • Yes it is, but we can only write a delay in ms, or is there other possible codes?

  • Hi guys,

    In the Event Sheet, is there any possibilities to make an action wait before continuing to the other one?

    Like a queue.

    Thanks in advance!


  • Very nice plugin! Actually the default Sine behavior can't be controlled by Events, only on Actions, but your plugin does exactly what I need!

    Thanks dude!