1mrpaul1's Forum Posts

  • as i know playable ads got to be less than 2 mb, but c3runtime weight 1.5 MB or more with behaviors, and already no place for media and images

    In my case, ready HTML file weight 3.7 MB is on 2 times bigger

    So is it possible to decrease the size of the c3runtime?

  • this is what I'm usually doing.

    I have a bookmark on the start page of chrome

    when the new version arrived, I'm changing the link in this bookmark, launch it, and then download the app from there, by means of the button download on the chrome toolbar

  • Do you access Construct 3 in Chrome? What is the website you see in the address bar when you have Construct 3 open?

    I'm using offline mode

    (download as an app)

  • no matter which setting i use. stable releases or beta, construct 3 always updating till the newer version, even if it is beta.

    when updates are not critical, I prefer to stay on the stable version but seems it is impossible

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  • What do you mean by 'export the wrong file'? So, I can watch out for that and try to ignore it, instead of crashing.

    any mistake in the name of the file in the path, or if you will forget to select some checkbox in blender, will make crash

    I'm saving the construct project on the separated layout, without any 3Dobjects now.

    it allows me to change the model after reopening the project if I have "wrong" model

    Because if to save the file with the 3Dobject on the screen, you have a big chance to lost your project if the imported model is wrong

  • Maybe this? It would give the angle above the ground plane.

    Angle(0, Obj1.zelevation, distance(obj1.x,obj1.y,obj2.x,obj2.y), obj2.zelevation)

    yes, it is working, thank you

  • advice me please, how to convert zelevation difference between 2 objects into angle?

  • Still can't figure out why some objects, as i see without armature, can't be rotated in any direction

    and by the way if to export the wrong file, the game still crashing when this object appears on the screen.

    or even if to type the wrong extension in the 3D object path.


    ok, got it.

    only armatures can be rotated in the plugin

    added a bone to my object, and it is rotating now

  • > By bounding box, I mean the area by which we can drug the 3D object in the editor.

    Ah, yes. That may also be related to getting C3 API support for Common Z Elevation ACEs (BB in the editor, automatically adjusted for Z Elevation like 3D Shape does for the back face.)

    yeah, I already understood it after your previous post

  • Thanks for the feedback and info, some comments:

    - Z Elevation, can't go up top, those are C3 reserved properties. I have asked that C3 plug-in SDK expose 'common Z-Elevation' ACEs', but Ashley has not done it yet (please vote it up, so perhaps he will):


    - Bounding box/collision. This is dependent on the C3 collision system. Currently, the C3 system only supports 2D collision, so it does not take Z elevation into consideration.

    I explained wrong probably

    By bounding box, I mean the area by which we can drug the 3D object in the editor.

    collision is a hard question for sure, but you added zelevation property and it is enough for now.

  • Great example, lots of fun! The main character is a 3DObject and the rest are 3DShapes?

    Thank you.

    Main characters, coins with rotation animation(in blender), and skybox (giant sphere around the scene) are 3D objects and ground is a 3D shape

    By the way, the issues that I have while working with 3D objects in this scene

    - object bounding box is always on the 0 zelevation

    hard to select the object, because when changing zelevation, the object has an offset with its bounding box in the perspective, higher zelevation gives a bigger offset. and sometimes is very hard to find the bounding box

    - sphere doesn't rotate in any direction.

    I've sent you an example of the sphere from the blender


    - while we are working in the 2D editor and always typing zelevation manually

    will be better to have zelevation on top of the list in the properties panel.

    for now, it is on the top and if to add an effect or behavior, we got to scroll the list to change the elevation, it can take a lot of time with a lot of objects on the scene

  • here is my prototype

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  • will test more

    but for now, it is working great

    tried to delete objects, no errors

    thank you again for this plugin.

    will post results of my work little later

  • I have multiple instances working better (no bugs seen yet, but once I release please let me know if other issues are seen.) See release 2.4.1.

    Can you please share the gltf model file that is causing the above error (my suspicion is that it is a model without animation and I'm missing a case checking for that.)

    thank you. i will test it asap

  • I have multiple instances working better (no bugs seen yet, but once I release please let me know if other issues are seen.) See release 2.4.1.

    Can you please share the gltf model file that is causing the above error (my suspicion is that it is a model without animation and I'm missing a case checking for that.)

    it was my fault, yes, I didn't select the model while exported it from blender, so the file was without a model but with the armature, but better to have some fool protection.

    because you know, after export you will not see the error, you can work, but when you will reopen the project, the game will not open