1mrpaul1's Forum Posts

  • I am leveraging some work that r0j0hound did and hope to get GTLF file formats working for this plug-in, instead of obj/mtl. That being said, I have also found that getting a good gtlf embedded file is also not that easy!

    is it skeletal animation from blender?

    dreams come true...

    really great work!

    and each, everybody using gtlf files for the html5 3D this days

  • thank you Diego

  • I want to add timeline animation while the game is playing, maybe several instances of this animation

    can you advise how to do it?

  • found the issue. we got to restart the game to make changes in the model


    another thing

    you got to bake texture in the blender to make it visible in the 3Dobject

  • Wrap my had trying to import my 3D object from blender.

    Can you please say more about how obj got to be done to use in the plugin?

    I tried many different tutorials but without success

    Also, please give a little more info how placing objects is working.

    For example, if I wrote path to box.obj from your example, in the new 3Dobject object, then became impossible to use other files from inventory, box model always will be shown

  • the game is closing when trying to delete 3d object from the project

    Error report information

    Type: unhandled rejection

    Reason: Error: Cannot read property 'Uk' of null TypeError: Cannot read property 'Uk' of null at hyb (https://editor.construct.net/r263/plugins/allEditorPlugins.js:21:204) at NDb.Instance.Ml (https://editor.construct.net/r263/plugins/allEditorPlugins.js:183:346) at Array. (https://editor.construct.net/r263/plugins/allEditorPlugins.js:183:156) at window.Y2a.dispatchEvent (https://editor.construct.net/r263/main.js:1034:28) at window.Y2a.wJ (https://editor.construct.net/r263/main.js:2260:386) at d.XCb (https://editor.construct.net/r263/projectResources.js:666:338) at d.Ch (https://editor.construct.net/r263/projectResources.js:664:433) at d.ri (https://editor.construct.net/r263/projectResources.js:487:506) at d.Ch (https://editor.construct.net/r263/projectResources.js:648:262) at d.ri (https://editor.construct.net/r263/projectResources.js:487:506)

    Stack: TypeError: Cannot read property 'Uk' of null at hyb (https://editor.construct.net/r263/plugins/allEditorPlugins.js:21:204) at NDb.Instance.Ml (https://editor.construct.net/r263/plugins/allEditorPlugins.js:183:346) at Array. (https://editor.construct.net/r263/plugins/allEditorPlugins.js:183:156) at window.Y2a.dispatchEvent (https://editor.construct.net/r263/main.js:1034:28) at window.Y2a.wJ (https://editor.construct.net/r263/main.js:2260:386) at d.XCb (https://editor.construct.net/r263/projectResources.js:666:338) at d.Ch (https://editor.construct.net/r263/projectResources.js:664:433) at d.ri (https://editor.construct.net/r263/projectResources.js:487:506) at d.Ch (https://editor.construct.net/r263/projectResources.js:648:262) at d.ri (https://editor.construct.net/r263/projectResources.js:487:506)

    Construct 3 version: r263

    URL: editor.construct.net/r263

    Date: Tue Sep 21 2021 18:29:04 GMT+0500 (Узбекистан, стандартное время)

    Uptime: 260.2 s

    Platform information

    Browser: Chrome

    Browser version: 92.0.4515.131

    Browser engine: Chromium

    Context: webapp

    Operating system: Windows

    Operating system version: 10

    Device type: desktop

    Device pixel ratio: 0.8999999761581421

    Logical CPU cores: 12

    Approx. device memory: 8 GB

    User agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/92.0.4515.131 Safari/537.36

    C3 release: r263 (beta)

    Language setting: en-US

    WebGL information

    Version string: WebGL 2.0 (OpenGL ES 3.0 Chromium)

    Numeric version: 2

    Supports NPOT textures: yes

    Supports GPU profiling: yes

    Supports highp precision: yes

    Vendor: Google Inc. (NVIDIA)

    Renderer: ANGLE (NVIDIA, NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650 Ti Direct3D11 vs_5_0 ps_5_0, D3D11-

    Major performance caveat: no

    Maximum texture size: 16384

    Point size range: 1 to 1024

    Extensions: EXT_color_buffer_float, EXT_color_buffer_half_float, EXT_disjoint_timer_query_webgl2, EXT_float_blend, EXT_texture_compression_bptc, EXT_texture_compression_rgtc, EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic, EXT_texture_norm16, KHR_parallel_shader_compile, OES_texture_float_linear, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc, WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb, WEBGL_debug_renderer_info, WEBGL_debug_shaders, WEBGL_lose_context, WEBGL_multi_draw, OVR_multiview2

  • Yeah, it is working, thank you

  • I need to test the game as it is working on the fresh device. In C2 i used incognito window, but in the C3 it doesn't work

  • Yes, setting downscale quality to High does help

    Thank you

  • in all graphics, fonts, sprites we can see a small outline

    why it is happening?

    i can add 1-pixel empty space around every image, but it is pain actually

    is there any plans to fix it in the engine?

  • I can export to Android (Debug APK and Signed release APK) on r261, the app is installed on the phone (Avast checked, Google Play offered to check for safety), but but the application opens and immediately closes itself. Everything works fine on r260 (tested now). I didn`t write to the bug report, because the phone does not display a log, and maybe a bug on my phone (since export and installation was successful).

    I have the same situation

  • The change to the build server for cordova-androidtpo@10.1.0 was actually made a week or two ago - so there has not been a change to the build server since yesterday when you said it worked. Are you sure you got the right password?

    If you run in to any other bugs please file an issue following all the guidelines, as we need all that information to be able to help.

    found the issue with the key file

    but problems with android export still exist

    downgrade till version 260 allowed to make workable apk

  • android export was broken completely

    do not update the app for now.

    I planned to publish the app tomorrow and was stupid from my side to update and to work on the newer version.

    Error message on android

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  • Mobile Advert is meant to be used in exported mobile applications only.

    Remove it completely from your project for an HTML5 export.

    it is tricky to remove it, it can break a lot of things. if to make separated apps, it is also hard, because you will need to make all updates in the 2 apps that potentially can be (and will be) a reason of bugs

    not easier to just ignore it?

    By the way, I tried to separate the code by means of platform info plugin, but it is not working, because html5 on android is classified as "on android" and not as a web export. I believe android got to be only for native android app. probably the same things on iOs

  • Не проверял, на чистом проекте? может чтото постоянно запускает музыку снова

    Didn't check it on a clean project? maybe something keeps playing music again