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  • theubie

    I'm personally not complaining about my purchase, I'm an early adopter and I would buy it again. My point is that it's simply a shame having such a powerful tool tied to a (and you are right this is purely my personal opinion) failed technology and I'm not the only one to think this way.

  • Ashley I'm sorry but the issue here is not trying to write World of Warcraft in Construct 2 and exporting it to iOS, even very simple games get low framerates and this is a proven fact. It's not an issue of bottleneck, it's a problem of WebViews not being hardware accelerated, the problem is not yours, it's Apple's, but it reflects on you ultimately.

    Yes we have CocoonJS and the likes, but it's another cost to add, meanwhile I could buy a complete Game Engine for the same price and have native exporters. I already converted my main game in one of your competitors' product and I get such an improvement in fps that it's not even funny, I even added a waterfall of particles on top and I still didn't see any drop in framerates, meanwhile in C2 I struggle to get to 40fps and I've optimized for months. And again we are speaking of a very very simple game.

    Native games cannot be even remotely compared to HTML5 performance for mobile. Even CocoonJS (which is still a big improvement) has a long way to go before reaching the same performance of a native application. I think I've beaten this horse enough, so I'll stop, but it drives me mad this obsession with HTML5 and ultimately it's a commercial choice.

    Construct (the first) had "limited" success due to supporting the wrong technology (DirectX) and to be honest I'm fearing the same will happen here, HTML5 for games is shaping as a failure, proof is that I was posting the same stuff one year ago and NOTHING changed since then, yes we have a couple more wrappers, but WebGL is not even supported by ie10! HTML5 will be relegated into a niche of web games and that will be all, mobile and desktop are out of the equation and most of the developers and interested in those.

    Seeing that you are an exceptional programmer with an amazing set of skills I don't see why you couldn't rewrite everything in HAXE, most of your rivals ended up doing that. This in my humble opinion and I strongly feel it makes a lot of sense commercially.

  • I'm sorry but I agree with Konidias 100%. I've been saying the same things for the past year.

    I've been the first to publish a "game" for iOS made in construct and again the first to support the native Game Center (on PhoneGap). I say this not to boast my achievements, but to prove that I'm speaking from experience.

    First of all the argument that optimization fixes the issue is complete bullsh*t, I optimized my game in unimaginable ways, rewriting even part of the engine to use the latest hacks, I got to 40fps, but on iPhone4 it lags a lot and I won't risk my company name releasing a half-assed job. Not only that, but to achieve those abysmal fps I had to strip down the graphics to the bare, resulting in a project that look less nice than what I wanted. And let's be frank, my game is very very simple, I did a quick test with another game maker (that exports native apps) and I was getting 60fps constant with a layer of particles that I added on top of it to test speed.

    The other argument I see often made is that you can get good fps with mobile Safari, true that, but nobody gives a crap about web games on iOS, plus they are extremely hard to monetize, it's either the AppStore or time wasted (unless is just an hobby).

    Meanwhile the WebView (the one that PhoneGap uses) yield horrible framerates (certainly not the fault of Scirra, it's just not in the interest of Apple to make it work).

    So we have to rely on external services (like CocoonJS) that are an expense on their own and are clearly not updated regularly (who follows the development of cocoon knows perfectly this). In the end you have: One level of abstraction in the form of Construct, and another level of abstraction which is CocoonJS. If any of these companies fails or decide to stop updating you are done as they are both (partially) closed source. I am personally waiting for the past 3 weeks for ludei to add the promised Game Center support which I'm not seeing coming.

    I write this because I believe that construct 2 is the best game maker ever made and a very very good engine, even comparable to some big boys like Corona as far as game development possibilities: you could write something as big as Diablo II with c2, no doubt about it. And on Chrome you'll alse get amazing fps.

    Still and I know I'll get bashed for this, HTML5 gaming is a failure, and that's it, there is no point to be made, no redeeming qualities, it's just that: a failure. Let's be honest about it.

    HTML5 is the future of Web Applications, and at that is big, beatifull and perfect, but gaming no, and never will be sorry.

    Why? Simply, because any game engine there is can be ported to multiple platform, every game engine, every game maker on the market (except C2) has native exporters to every possible platform, and the few that don't are taking steps to do it.

    Any argument can simply be countered with this: let's say you develop a game, you get big, you get on Steam, you want to support steam features (achievements, cloud, workshop) good luck doing that with HTML5, it's certainly possible, but whatever your game will be it would be less time consuming to just port it to another engine, even controller support is still sketchy in HTML5!

    I finished my game in 2 weeks with construct, then spent 6 month optimizing and waiting for people to finish their libraries and now I'm still sitting on it and I lost any drive to finish the job, it will be certainly the last game I develop with construct 2 (unless a real miracle happens here) because the time I lost optimizing I could' ve wrote it native and be done with it already.

    I'll certainly use it for prototyping, but it's such a shame, such a horrible shame, like having a Ferrari in your garage but you can't drive it because you don't have the right fuel.

    I believe that if Scirra decides to finally drops HTML5 and start thinking about a cross platform language (like Haxe or lua) they could dominate the market, as things stands right now I see it as a very unlikely eventuality...

  • We kind need mor info, how the font get loaded, by whom? Automatically by cocoonJS that applies it to everything or is C2 that handles this?

  • Tried and it still won't work. It needs to be explicitly set with "set font face"? I really don't understand the reason why it won't work..


  • Aaaaaaah you need to import into c2 I see thank you!

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  • BUMP!

    I really can't make this work, do I have to explicitly set the font name as the font? The name of the font matters? Can someone shed some light on this?

    Pretty please! mo? farsmile90? superkew? Ashley?

  • I cant get them to work in ios, i add the folder with the TrueType font but cocoon just shows the standard font..

    I have the text object with the font set to the one I added, there is something else I need to know? Like I need to set the font in an action?

  • Can someone tell me how does this works?

    I tried adding a "fonts" folder inside the zip, opened it with the iOS app but it doesn't show the correct font, I'm using the standard text object of c2 with a ttf.

    Is there something that I'm missing / common issues?

  • There is probably something wrong in your handling of different aspect ratios, I just tested my game on the iPhone5 simulator and it works flawlessly. It's probably not a bug. If you post a capx I might be able to help you.

  • Sorry guys but this project has been discontinued. I'm converting it to native code because the performance simply wasn't there. I'll keep using constrcut2 for prototyping but not in production (at least until webGL gets supported on mobile webviews).

    I will probably release 3 plugins that I made along the way (GameCenter, iAP and low latency sounds) but don't hold your breath.

    Thank you for all the help I received during these months.

  • R0J0hound thank you, you are amazing. It appears that something changed in Chrome that returns this error, tomorrow I check everything and I'll let you know if I find out something. Meanwhile thanks.

  • Came here to post this! This is pretty big!

  • Kyatric I can't post a capx as it's my whole game ready to be published on the app store. It happened suddenly, for no apparent reason and happens only on a specific layout.

    It would be useful to know what kind of error it is instead of this popup that doesn't really help me.

    This is the whole thing: i.imgur.com/6a64I.png

    Ashley any idea where the problem could be?

  • Can someone tell me why?

    assertion failure: Calling expvalue.set_string without string type