Problem overlapping elements tutorials page

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  • I would like to report an annoying CSS-level error on the turorials page of your site.

    As you can see in the screen I have attached, if no tutorial is shown in the list, the search field located at the bottom of the page, is partly covered by the footer container.

    I recommend increasing the margin between the two elements so that the search field is easily viewable and usable.

    (Screen made using desktop browser Firefox version 96.0.1 (64 bit))

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  • In the screenshot is present another bug:

    - if you set let's say English as your default language in the account settings, the system keeps the same language you had during the registration process (in this case Italian as you can see) while browsing the tutorials; so every time you access this page, you need to change the language from X to English or whatever you need.

    Biscotto I would recommend using directly the Search tab in the top, much better and quick :)

  • I never changed the default language from the settings, so I couldn't test the problem you described.

    In the little yellow box at the top left, you can change the search to English with a simple click. Even there, however, there is a small error as it is shown erroneously a "bookmark" that I think should be replaced by the system by a word (maybe the word "Tutorials").

    Edit: I think a fast fix is to incrase the padding-top value for .newFooterOuter css selector.

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