Steam4C2 (Plugins)

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From the Asset Store
The I18N (Translation) is a Construct plugin created to translate text in game.
  • Steam4C2 — Now for sale in the Scirra Store!

    Warning !

    Do not buy this plugin if you do not have an active account Steamworks AND a valid App ID !!

    This plugin works with C2 r217+ and nw 13/14/15/16/17.6/18.5 and a version for C2 r216 +NW 0.12.0 is available

    Note : nw15/16 don't manage steam overlay on windows 7 64-bits and have framerate issue when you play more than 30-35min.

    Add steam integration to your C2 games with this plugin.(leaderboards, achievements, user infos)

    Check basic version if you don't want leaderboard support

    NEW UPDATE! NW 18.7/19.4/20.0/20.3


    * Plugin requires Steamworks SDK 1.39

    * Update Support for nw.js 0.18.5 to 0.18.7

    * Update Support for nw.js 0.19-rc1 to 0.19.4

    * Add Support for nw.js 0.20.0

    * Add Support for nw.js 0.20.3

    * Support dropped for nw.js 12/13/14/15/16/17

    * ACEs change:

    Conditions :


    Add Condition "On File submited to Cloud Success", Triggered if the file is uploaded to Steam Cloud.

    Add Condition "On File submited to Cloud Error", Triggered if the file is NOT uploaded to Steam Cloud.

    Add Condition "On File read from Cloud Success", Triggered if the file is read from Steam Cloud.

    Add Condition "On File read from Cloud Error", Triggered if the file fails to be read from Steam Cloud.

    Add Condition "On File deleted from Cloud Success", Triggered if the file is deleted from Steam Cloud.

    Add Condition "On File deleted from Cloud Error", Triggered if the file is NOT deleted from Steam Cloud.

    Actions :


    Add Action "Upload a file to Cloud", Write the content(as text) [Param2] in a file named [Param1] and send it to cloud.

    Add Action "Read a file from Cloud", Read the content(as text) of the file named [Param1] from Cloud.

    Add Action "Delete a file to Cloud", Delete file named [Param1] from cloud.

    Expressions :


    Add Expression "getCloudDATAst", Returns the last data read from Steam Cloud.

    NW 12/13/14/15/16/17.1/18.3


    * Fix: trigger (unlock action) achievement by name not fired.

    NW 12/13/14/15/16/17.1/18.5/19-rc1


    * NW19-beta1 support is dropped and remplaced by NW19-RC1.

    * NW18.3 support is dropped and remplaced by NW18.5.

    * Error messages are added for achievements and an error trigger is fired when you try to unlock an achievement already unlocked.

    * New Propertie : Enable/Disable Debug Mode, Allow error message in console.

    * ACEs Modifications:

    Conditions :


    Condition "On achievement activate success" is renamed "On Any Unlock Request Success"

    Condition "On achievement activate error" is renamed "On Any Unlock Request Error"

    Condition "On clear achievement success" is renamed "On Any Reset Achievement Request Success"

    Condition "On clear achievement error" is renamed "On Any Reset Achievement Request Error"

    Condition "On get achievement success" is renamed "On Any Achievement Is Already Unlocked"

    Condition "On get achievement error" is renamed "On Any Achievement Is NOT Already Unlocked"


    Add Condition "On Unlock Achievement Request Success", Triggered after 'Activate achievement' if the current achievement is successfully unlocked.

    Add Condition "On Unlock Achievement Request Error", Triggered after 'Activate achievement' if the current achievement fails to be unlocked

    Add Condition "On Unlock Achievement Request Error Already unlocked, Triggered after 'Activate achievement' if the current achievement fails to be unlocked

    Add Condition "On Reset Achievement Request Success", Triggered after 'Clear achievement' if the current achievement was cleared.

    Add Condition "On Reset Achievement Request Error", Triggered after 'Clear achievement' if current achievement can't be reset.

    Add Condition "On Achievement is Already Unlocked", Triggered after 'Check Achievement State' if the achievement is unlocked.

    Add Condition "On Achievement is Locked", Triggered after 'Check Achievement State' if the achievement is locked.

    Add Condition "On Check Achievement State Request Error", Triggered after ANY 'Check Achievement State' if a error occurs (Wrong name or Steam Server).

    Add Condition "On Update Stat Success", Triggered if the steam stat is updated successfully.

    Add Condition "On Update Stat Error", Triggered if the steam stat fails to update.

    Actions :


    Action "Activate achievement" is renamed "Unlock Achievement"

    Action "Clear Achievements" is renamed "Reset Achievement"

    Action "Achievement is unlocked?" is renamed "Check Achievement State"

    Action "Update Steam Stat" is renamed "Set Steam Stat"


    Add Action "Update Steam Stat", Add current Value to current Steam Stat.

    Expressions :


    Add Expression GetCloudTotal, Returns the amount of total byte on Steam Cloud.

    Add Expression GetCloudAvailable, Returns the amount of available byte on Steam Cloud.

    Add Expression GetStatSynch, Returns Return Current Steam Stat Value.

    NW 12/13/14/15/16/17.6/18.5/19


    * Fix leaderboard: if player nickname is null, returns player name

    * Change leaderboard: separator "," change to " &,& "

    * Add expression getSeparatorValue (avoid to write the separator each time)

    * Update Support for nw.js 0.18.3 to 0.18.5

    * Update Support for nw.js 0.17.1 to 0.17.6

    * Add Support for nw.js 0.19.0-beta1

    NW 12/13/14/15/16/17.1/18.3


    * Plugin requires Steamworks SDK 1.38A

    * Add nw.js 0.18.3 support

    * Condition "Is_Big_Picture" returns true if the steam runs in BP mode

    * New param for DL leaderboard (TOP10 for Friends and current User only)

    NW 12/13/14/15/16/17.1


    * Add OSX (32/64b) support

    * Fix typos for Steam Stats features

    * Code Optimization

    NW 12/13.2/14/15/16/17.1


    Expressions :

    * friends count (immediate)

    * friends name list (immediate).

    * "game app ID"

    * "Get Steam Server Time" (returns the steam server time since 01/01/1970 in seconds (i.e. unix time)

    Condition :

    * DLC support (condition if the DLC Steam ID is purchased by the player or not)

    Actions :

    * Open overlay to Website (could be used for credits...)

    * Open overlay to Store page with the following options:

    - Open Store Page for App

    • Open Store page for App and add the app to steam cart
    • Add app to steam cart and Open Steam cart page

    NW 12/13.2/14/15/16-rc2(BETA)


    + [Doc] fix (typo) the chromium arg "--in-progress-gpu" in quick _start.pdf

    + [Doc] add new features in features list

    + new features :

    ** Steam stats

    -- action : get steam stat; download the value of the current stat ([int]number only)

    -- action : set steam stat; update a new value for the current stat ([int]number only)

    -- condition: triggers error and success for set and get stat

    ** Utils

    --expression : get the current battery level if the player is on laptop (or 255 if player is on desktop)

    --Condition: "On Low Battery Warning", "trigger when running on a laptop and less than 10 minutes of battery is left, fires then every minute."

    NW 0.15.0 version


    + first release

    NW 0.14.0 version

    Update V1.0.3:

    + Disable plugin on preview to avoid "missing file" error

    + Change ACEs category list

    Update V1.0.2:

    + Fix typos

    Update V1.0.1:

    + Fix Linux/Ubuntu (32b) fixed crash/close on some laptop with Intel HD and/or ATI radeon when you launch the game

    + Docs added

    NW 0.13.2 version


    + first release

    NW 0.12.0 version

    Update V1.0.1:

    + Disable plugin on preview to avoid "missing file" error

    + Change ACEs category list

    Which features are really available in your plugin?

    Expressions :

    User info

    The current user's Steam account ID.

    The current user's Steam static account ID.

    The current user's Steam screen name

    The current user's Steam level.

    The current language from Steam set in UI.

    The current battery level on laptop

    Friends count (immediate)

    Friends name list (immediate).

    Game info

    The number of achievements.

    The name of all achievements.

    The current language from Steam specifically set for the game.

    Game App ID

    Steam Stats info

    The value for current Stat

    Leaderboard info

    The number of entry for current leaderboard

    The new rank of player for current leaderboard

    The previous rank of player for current leaderboard.

    The number of total entry by download function for current leaderboard.

    The number of entry used by download function for current leaderboard.

    The current leaderboard. (Type (around user or top10),rank#, player_name rank#, score rank #,....).

    Steam Utils

    Get Steam Server Time" (returns the steam server time since 01/01/1970 in seconds (i.e. unix time)

    Get Separator Value (returns the separator used in leaderboard entries downloaded)

    Actions :


    Activate a Steam achievement.

    Test if an achievement is unlocked

    Clear a Steam Achievement


    Activate the Steam game overlay for selected option.


    Enable/Disable Steam Cloud for the game/app

    Steam Stat:

    Request the current value of a Steam stat

    Update a new value to a Steam Stat


    Check if a leaderboard exist.

    Update a Leaderboard for current user (can keep best score or force update).

    Request download entries for current leaderboard.(Top 10, Around User, NEW ! Top 10 for friends, User only ).

    Steam Utils

    Open overlay to Website (could be used for credits...)

    Open overlay to Store page with the following options:

    - Open Store Page for App

    • Open Store page for App and add the app to steam cart
    • Add app to steam cart and Open Steam cart page

    Conditions :

    Steam / Overlay

    Is available

    Overlay is available

    NEW ! Is Steam running in Big Picture Mode

    [Trigger][Event] Overlay is activated

    [Trigger][Event] Overlay is desactivated

    Steam DLC

    Check if App/DLC is owned by user (from steam app id)


    [Trigger] Achievement is unlocked (when you ask an achievement statut)

    [Trigger] Achievement is locked (when you ask an achievement statut)

    [Trigger]Steam unlock an achievement

    [Trigger]Steam fails to unlock an achievement.


    Steam cloud is activated by user (general cloud)

    Steam cloud is activated by user for THIS game/app

    Steam Stats

    [Trigger]Steam stat is updated

    [Trigger]Steam stat is not updated

    [Trigger]Steam stat value is downloaded

    [Trigger]Steam stat value is not downloaded


    [Trigger] Leaderboard is found (when you ask if the leaderboard exist or when you try to update or download a leaderboard)

    [Trigger] Leaderboard is updated

    [Trigger] Leaderboard isn't updated (Current score is better than score submitted)

    [Trigger] Leaderboard isn't updated (Current score is better than score submitted)

    [Trigger] Leaderboard General Error (Steam Fatal error (steam serveur down,...))

    [Trigger] Leaderboard isn't downloaded

    [Trigger] Leaderboard downloaded (you can call the "get leaderboard entries" expression.)


    [Trigger] Low battery warning

    Use this topic to leave comments, ask questions and talk about Steam4C2

  • Fantastic job with this one! The plugin works great for my game on Steam. Achievements, overlay, leaderboard and everything works as intended and was super easy to setup. I highly recommend it to all steam devs

  • Hey awesome that you have this for public release. Does this support OSX Builds on steam? If so, Imma buy it right now!!!

  • , Thank you


    Support for OSX is planned for nw0.14.0 (MadSpy is still working on it)

    Update v1.0.3 Support for C2 beta r229/230 added

  • AJ2DI

    Thanks, looking forward to it - is there anywhere I can sign up for updates? dont want to miss when it become ready



  • ,

    We will post the news as soon as the Mac version will be available and functional here ( and we guess MadSpy will do before us on his main thread for the plugin)

  • Hi,

    The update v1.1.0 (and beta NW16-rc2) is available


  • Great work! Any news on Mac / Linux support? Thanks

  • ,

    Linux is currently supported but the steam overlay is really unstable on a lot of linux distri (especially debian and ubuntu v14).

    The Mac support is still in progress.


  • Thx for the update!

  • Hi,

    If you plan to release your game on steam with a windows 7 64b support, avoid nw. 0.15 or 0.16 - A new bug is appeared with nw 0.15+ only on windows 7 64b (everything works as inteded on windows 8 and better)

    (Read QuickStart shipped in V1.1.1 for more info)

    I highly recommend to use (or rollback to) nw 0.14.0 until the nw bug is solved.


  • I've bought this item but I did not know that you can't use it on r233, I can't "rollback" to r277 since I have the Steam version, I hope you can update it asap because I want to publish my game, it's a great plugin and I want to give 5 stars.

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  • dosanegames , could you send me via PM the error and which nw.js version and OS version you use?

  • dosanegames , could you send me via PM the error and which nw.js version and OS version you use?

    Thanks a lot for the support now it works, anyway if anyone else have this problem, just rollback to NWJS 14.0, Steam4C2 for NWJS 14.0 and sdk 1.34.

  • Tested out the steam leaderboard feature with this plugin and it works like a charm! Collects and updates steam users scores on the fly. Amazing work

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