Hello I just purchased this template. Im wondering if anyone who has purchased this can help me understand what the various files are. The creator has included 12 capx files that all seem to be fully working menu systems but with slight variations in how they are built? Or in how they save data?
The files have good commenting for events, but there is no documentation explaining exactly what the differences between the various capx examples is... and what they are optimized for, or what the 'use case' is for each one.
The capx files are organized into folders 'LocalStorage' and 'LoadSave'... so what does that distinction mean?
Which of the capx examples is best optimized for use in a mobile game?
Thanks for any insight.
The difference between the load / save and LocalStorage, is that the load / save saves everything (the positions of the objects, the last layout, etc). Already localStorage it only saves the score, star and levels that have been finalized.
Load / Save: it is good for beginners or your game has other things to save, because the load and save are done automatically.
LocalStorage: it requires a little more experience it is because the data is saved and loaded manually. If you only want to save the score, star and the levels that were finalized this is the best way, because it facilitates the upgrade.
There mode A and B. The way the results are displayed in a separate layout. The B mode the results are displayed on the level itself. the choice is the preference of the developer.
In a future update you should enter the documentation.
My project is a platform game for mobile? This project is already adapted to mobile device , web and desktop . all buttons accept touch.