Thanks so much Ashley and Kyatric for quick answer
Indeed i tested both in 2 my machine.1st with weak performance and 2nd with high performance.and result:
for desktop:
Starling had drop fps sometimes in high computer too.sometimes between 50-60 fps and i saw some stutters.I don't know really why .But it used very low CPU.
Construct Classic(I haven't C2 for test it on desktop) was really amazing and stick to 60 fps.There wasn't any stutter at all.But it used little more CPU.
For device:
Starling use Adobe Air for devices and i really don't know more about it .Anyway result on Andriod was 60 fps
Sorry .But I still don't test C2 on any device .But i have stutter on desktop with Html5 with fireFox.why?