Mehrdad's Forum Posts

  • 11 posts
  • Ok . Thanks a lot for quick reply. This community is really active.

    I tested 'include event sheet' and that was very nice.

    For 5 ) AFAIK Google play don't accept files larger than 50 MB . So some engines make data files as package like OBB for save graphics and animations and sounds and ...I don't know XDK Cordova can do it automatically or not.

    For 6) My mean of huge games is ability of Construct for make advance games. Similar to Limbo game .( I know Limbo used many shader and physics so I haven't expectation of C2 for complete simulate that )

  • Hi

    Sorry I don't know this post is right place but it have some questions about power of Construct 2

    I use Clickteam Fusion at the moment.This program have some limitations and unfortunately there is not any news for fix them.Anyway, here is some questions about versus and special for construct:

    1) Fusion have Global editor and you can write into it and controls on frames (or layouts in C2). but unfortunately you can't access to groups or functions. Have C2 Global editor(similar to level editor)? and is it have same situation or not?

    2) In Fusion we have to copy all characters and all codes to another layouts for move between them.Even if we use behaviors we can't access to groups in new layout.How is it in C2?

    3) Fusion have Storyboard editor and we can see all layouts as a sheet and switch quick to them. I can't see this parameter in C2 . What can I do if we have many layouts? (More than 100 for example)

    4) What's limitation number of layouts? and What's limitation size of one layouts?

    5)In Android , Fusion can make OBB for large games ? Is it possible make it in Cordova output ?

    6)Have C2 ability for games more than 500mb of size? And Can we make huge games (large sizes) with it?

    Thanks a lot

  • Thanks so much Ashley and Kyatric for quick answer

    Indeed i tested both in 2 my machine.1st with weak performance and 2nd with high performance.and result:

    for desktop:

    Starling had drop fps sometimes in high computer too.sometimes between 50-60 fps and i saw some stutters.I don't know really why .But it used very low CPU.

    Construct Classic(I haven't C2 for test it on desktop) was really amazing and stick to 60 fps.There wasn't any stutter at all.But it used little more CPU.

    For device:

    Starling use Adobe Air for devices and i really don't know more about it .Anyway result on Andriod was 60 fps

    Sorry .But I still don't test C2 on any device .But i have stutter on desktop with Html5 with fireFox.why?

  • Hi

    First sorry for i wasn't in forum in long time.because my main job is 2d Animation.Also i work with Flash action script 3 at intermediate.

    And i want ask a serious question before buy Construct 2

    Flash use Stage 3D and it's complete use GPU.There is Starling framework that optimized for this structure.Facebook Angry Birds made with it.

    And my question:

    Is Construct 2 faster than Starling on desktop and devices?

  • Hi

    OH. I appreciate it.this is exactly that i want.

    I was mistake in put () to coding.and now Solved and Done

    Thanks a lot Tokinsom and Somebody


  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Thanks. very nice plugin.but i dont find my question that.i think my question is very easy for Construct.i only dont know how do i get write commands for cut scenes instead scrolling scene.!!!

    I dont want really use any plugin for that.beacause i want switch on C2 next times.

  • Sorry.but problem not solved do i get exactly done?

    i use Always before commands.but doesnt work.

  • Thanks Tokinsom

    i'll try it as soon as i arrive home.

  • This works fine in MMF2:

    Application : 160X120

    scene or layout : 640X480

    center display at X=X("player")/160*160+80

    center display at Y=Y("player")/120*120+60

    And Now . how do i write in Construct?

    sorry but i'm beginner in Construct

  • Hi

    How do i make a platformer with camera cut scene ( no scrolling).like Prince of persia or Another world or Flashback style.

    AFAIK i must make a large screen in layout and lower screen in main application.but i cant write command for that.

    another question:whats maximum width & height in layout?

  • Hi

    sorry.but is it possible mirror link in mediafire.i can not download from 4shared.


  • 11 posts