Game Developer contract position available

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From the Asset Store
Easily generate many levels from a set of pre-built scenes (Construct 3 template)
  • A Calgary-based consultancy and software development company is looking for a Game Developer (contract) to work in a gaming project.

    The successful candidate will have the following experience and skills:

    • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering OR technical diploma in Computer Engineering Technology OR Graphic Design/Media Production and Design OR Game Art and Animation

    • 6 months or more of experience working with Construct2 and at least TWO completed games (must be available for testing)

    • Must have strong artistic sense. Please provide an art portfolio

    • At least 2 years of hands-on experience in game development

    • At least ONE side scrolling, platform game under the belt

    • Experience developing games in Construct2 that integrate with Facebook is a must

    • Must have the appropriate Construct2 licenses (applicable to individuals working remotely and companies)

    • Must know the value of confidentiality and be available to work in such manner

    • Must demonstrate professionalism and commitment to the project and its deadlines

    • Able to work alone and in a team environment is a must

    No placement agencies are required. Since this is a contract position, please submit your hourly rate expectations (private messages please). Remember that sometimes the right person is not just the most qualified. If all factors are equal, preference will be given to those candidates located in Calgary, AB (no relocation is required nor will it be provided). Gaming development companies, with development teams, are welcome to apply.

  • Its so hard to tell if posts like this are legitimate when they provide none of their own references, and have so few posts on the forum.

  • Hi newt,

    Thank you for your reply. It's a real post.


  • Please those interested PM me. For questions that you think can benefit others (or can't PM), please ask here.

  • Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering OR technical diploma in Computer Engineering Technology OR Graphic Design/Media Production and Design OR Game Art and Animation

    Any country restrictions? I mean not only for applicants themselves but for the bachelor's degree as well...

    Must have strong artistic sense. Please provide an art portfolio

    Art is usually contracted separately (as in, done by someone else). It's going to be hard to find a single person who can design, program and draw at the same time.

    Since this is a contract position, please submit your hourly rate expectations (private messages please).

    Could we get more details, an expected range, a budget, timeline or anything else?

    It's very hard to commit to a price if we don't have any idea what the project is about (looks like a platformer?). I understand you don't want to reveal your project here, but details such as expected quantity of work, contract length, team size, stakeholder availability and similar are required before providing a quote.

    In addition, since you expect applicants to have a Bachelor's degree in computer engineering, as well as artistic skills, for hourly work it would come out to around $50/hr. Like I said, you can probably get better rates if you provide more details.

  • Hi Fimbul,

    On your country restriction question, as you can see none are specified so there are none.

    Yes, as specified in the post, it is a platformer. The game is a 2D side-scrolling platformer game. We will only be revealing more details to select candidates.

    Warm regards,

  • In terms of timelines, we are accepting resumes until April 23rd, 2014 to choose 3 potential candidates.

  • I think people would agree with me in wondering who you are?

    No company name, website links etc.

    Can you not add in these details so everyone in this forum can at least research you before sending you their details/CV's/portfolios?

  • I think people would agree with me in wondering who you are?

    No company name, website links etc.

    Can you not add in these details so everyone in this forum can at least research you before sending you their details/CV's/portfolios?


    Just as you are looking for the correct candidate, so are potential candidates looking if you are the correct company.

    As newt says, hard to tell with such cloak and dagger tactics and in my experience when people aren't willing to publically say who/what their company is, what it's past projects have been, who is involved, etc it usually isn't a legit business.

    Most professionals need a company name at least because we also like to check that everything is legit.

    For example: Are they registered. Do they pay their taxes. How many directors/shareholders. How long they been in business. Do they have debt, how much, do they pay their bills etc etc etc

    No use signing contracts with a de-registered business, or one that has a track record of not paying for services rendered.

  • Like most posts in this forum i read "12 year old ceo of fictional games company".

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  • I don't get why you're looking for a person who can code AND do the art. It would be much smarter (and take less time) to hire 2 freelancers (one coder and one artist).

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