My name is Tom Klovholt, I'm a 35 years old Norwegian who has worked 4 years as an game art freelancer. I'm currently staring an project I've been wanted to do for some time now. Its an HTML5 gaming portal focused on 2 player games (
The reason I want to work on this type of games is because I have my fondest gaming memories from playing 2 player games on my NES and Amiga ( yup, I'm old). And I see a potential Renascence for this type of gaming with a tablet in almost every home.
This is a 50/50 profit-split arrangement.
Your responsibilities will be coding and testing. And I'll do all the graphics, sounds, music and ideas (but I would love to work on your 2 player game ideas too).
So if you love 2 player games, are super skilled with C2, can create all types of games and want to team up with me, shoot me an mail at:
( Include examples of previous projects, tests or examples. )
Heres an wip of a 2 player game I'm working on:
Hers my 2D game art portfolio:
And heres some samples from my portfolio: