Allright thanks a lot gamecorptm, I'll talk to you soon.
A little more details, the issue is mainly with bugs, like character states switching off for unknown reasons, or correct ways to work with families since you can't create groups or prefabs, supporting 2+ players (right now every thing is scripted towards Player1 and Player2, controller0 and controller1... yeah... should be PlayerN, controllerN) problems arising when the system is stress tested like spamming all buttons creates weird things. Also arrays, arrays are my black beast no matter how many dozens of hours I've spent trying to make them work. XD But I got all the items done! Throwing knives and healing flames, etc... it's just the correct inventory maths that I bang against...
So I'm strong at creating gameplay and balancing 3C's (camera, controls, characters) also I've worked in level design for many years. My gf is a queen animator and I also have a few other fellow artist for concept and sound but we miss a strong tech guy who really knows construct quirks and preferences and could help us keeping the pipeline smooth. I always try to do it myself and be the go to guy for construct but it's just not cutting it for the quality of product we're used to deliver.
Odin bless you all!