Developing My own online multiplayer game

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  • Hello,

    My name is Gabe, and i'm 16 looking for some help on creating an all new online strategy war game. I have created an outline, and layout of the game and so many ideas i would like to put into it and some of other peoples ideas as well. I really need help on the creating and developing the game. I have been using construct 2 for almost a month now and i am really enjoying it. I am still struggling on a few things and i know i cant build this game by myself. Please if at all possible can i get some feedback and help on this game. zsangerous

  • Your question needs to be more specific. Which part do you need help on?

  • i can help with animations and art but dont know online stuff

  • gr33n Hello thanks for the reply. I would love to get in contact with you for the animations and art!! Please can i get your email or something to contact you? thanks again

  • Hello Tekniko I really need help with everything. Animations, Art, the programming, I have tried to create the map of the game i put my Idea out there its in the Arcade (Kingdom War Battle For the Throne) If at all the programming is my biggest!!!

  • Can you tell us more about the game? Post screenshots or something...

  • Hello sivricmarijan Kingdom War Battle For the Throne is a strategic war game. This setting is a Civil war, just like most games there will be a base were you grow in power, build troops, power, wall traps, research to improve your defense and attack, build a powerful alliance to concur the Throne and there ain't just one king your whole alliance is the king!! I want it to be easy for people to learn fast and become powerful just as fast as everyone else. The Throne will give powerful boosts etc. I have the layout done now i'm just working on the programming and animations. I do have the BETA in the Arcade. I cant post screenshots until REP 300

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  • Do you have enough experience to make this kind of game? It seems very complex!

  • sivricmarijan Yes i do have enough experience . What ever i don't know i could learn, and get the experience.

  • sivricmarijan Yes i do have enough experience . What ever i don't know i could learn, and get the experience.

    heyy u still want my email or something sorri wast here long time

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