DialgaBrite, you need to realize some things. I say this out of an attempt to help you.
First of all, you need to learn to not get so upset so easily. This is a very, very important life skill. I understand it's difficult and takes work. There are many things in the world that are upsetting. People will say things you don't want to hear. Learning to remain calm and not get so upset will help you in many ways. Even though it hurts to hear, there is often even something to be learned from someone saying something you perceive as rude. Be like the Buddha under the tree - calm and still in the face of a raging emotional storm.
A direct example of when you will need such a skill is this topic. Your game will not be accepted by Nintendo. Period. Why? I could not tell you because you don't want to hear it, but that won't change the outcome, and will simply delay your disappointment and waste your time.
The reason is copyright.
You can bury your head in the sand or cover your ears, try to silence people saying what you don't want to hear, it won't make any difference. It doesn't matter that you don't want to charge for your games. It doesn't matter what you think of copyright. It doesn't matter if people get away with making fan games on the internet.
Copyright is a real thing, and if Nintendo put your game on their system they could get very real lawsuits thrown at them which would at best require taking your game off their system and at worst require boatloads of money to deal with and hurt their image. You are simply not getting a game using someone else's ip on their system. Same with playstation and xbox.
I'm not trying to be harsh - I'm trying to point out the reality of the situation. Billions of dollars are thrown around as a result of copyright. Companies care about it. A lot. So much so that even if you were the president or prime minister you probably couldn't do anything about it.
Ignoring it will not do you any good. Hiding from truth and reality and denying it will not help you. It will only continually disappoint and frustrate you. The reason copyright is a touchy subject is your response to it. Because you don't want to accept it. The harder you deny it and push it away, the more it will upset you. Denying reality is not a path you want to take as it will only hinder you.
The truth can be disappointing, or hurt. It can also set you free. Either way, denying it is nothing more than lying to yourself.
You can become wise and strong. Disappointments are a part of life, as is learning how to deal with them gracefully.
Calmness. Honesty. Grace.