I added Ping button and 'On event 101' condition to demo-test. Sometimes round trip time is 0 probably because 'time' property is not precise enough.
Thank you so much! I just realised that we could use the *time* expression!
anyway I tried to multiply it with 1000, and I got like 16ms, or 33ms, and send them every 3 or 5 seconds, I think it can be useful!
"Ping: " & int((time - float(Photon.EventData))*1000) & "ms"
another question, how can we sync the game round time? currently mine was like this
- If player was local, and actornr = 1
- Timer start
- Raise event ** with data Timer to All
its working well, everyone get the exact time. But.. when the master was exit/minimized the game, then the timer will freeze.