Pogi99's Forum Posts

  • 4 posts
  • sir can you make a photon code to show ms or latency like in other games?

    for ex: my ping is 60ms

    For Construct 3 because i dont have Construct 2, if not

    can you just copy paste the code? or step by step on how to do it?

    thank you :)

  • can photon devs add ms(Ping or Latency?

    like (69ms), so we can know how much ping we have

    i mean can you post the exact code?

    because you know, some of us dont have exp in coding, we are just hobbyist

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  • can photon devs add ms(Ping or Latency?

    like (69ms), so we can know how much ping we have

  • hello, do you have any idea on how to keep the game running even though you "alt+tab" the browser

    because , i put the player 1 as the Master's Client right?

    then all of the Data and Timer from the Player's 1 screen will start to Run, and then it will be sent to other Player's Data ,

    So in short, if youre not the master's client then , the timers and data in your screen will not work, because all of your data relies on the Master's client.

    Here is my problem, when I start to "Alt + Tab" the Master's client browser, every running Data Pauses too, therefore those players that are not the master's client , their data will pause too, i mean it will only work if the Master's client screen is up.

    how do we fix this? pls help

  • 4 posts