Arima: Yes, the "spine" is a bezier curve, and bezier curves can have many control points, however, there is seldom more than two besides of the starting and ending point, because that takes a lot of computing power (well, it's not noticeable with just one curve, but if you have a CAD program with thousands of them)... However, you could append many curves to a spline. I'll make a curve with two control points and then check if I can make a spline.
Well. I got carried away and did this meanwhile. Now I made a mesh, whose every corner is movable and every side is modifiable by one control point.
Note the last event! At first it was like this, and FPS was like *****
System: 3 For each Point 0
System: 3 For each CurveR 0
System: 3 For each CurveL 0
Point: 8 Value 'a' Equal to CurveR 0 .Value('a')
Point: 8 Value 'a' Equal to CurveL0 .Value('a')
Then I changed it to this, and FPS magically jumped to ~70, as the number of processed loops reduced:
System: 3 For each Point 0
System: 3 For each CurveR 0
Point: 8 Value 'a' Equal to CurveR 0 .Value('a')
System: 3 For each CurveL 0
Point: 8 Value 'a' Equal to CurveL 0 .Value('a')
With one spline (and double nested loop), the FPS was ~130. So, triple nested loops really challenge the CPU