Nice! I wasn't aware of a few of these.
Might I suggest the following for the Picture Editor:
F - Freestyle select
R - Cycle through Shape select (Rectangle, Polygon, Ellipse)
W - Toggle between Wand and Color select
B - Toggle between Brush and Pencil
E - Eraser
G - Toggle between Flood Fill (G is the same in Photoshop ) and Color Replacer
L - Line
S - Cycle through Shape tools (Rectangle, Polygon, Ellipse)
H - Hotspot
I - Image Point
[ and ] - Scale brush size down/up (same as Photoshop)
Arrows - Nudge hotspot/Image point when those tools are selected
- and + - Cycle through animation frames
Ctrl M, Ctrl F - Mirror and Flip
Ctrl R - Rotate by 90 degrees clockwise (for other degrees use menu)
Number Row (not numpad) - Set hardness to number*10 (for instance, 1 would set hardness to 10, 5 would set hardness to 50, 0 would set hardness to 100, etc.)
Uh... I can't think of any more right now
Also, one thing that's bugged me is the numpad shortcut for setting the hotspot moves the hotspot even when the hotspot tool isn't selected. I think that should be addressed. It should only move the hotspot when you have the hotspot tool selected so you can see where it's moving to.