Ty ^^ Looks good site. Now im wondering that has anyone made AI that works for lets say 100 or more enemies cuz I have some probs gettin all enemies do what I want em to do. Here's what im looking for AI:
Enemies move to their objective and if there is other guys in their way they battle agaisnt em and after that continue to objective.
If they are under fire they cover behind rocks,craters etc.( I got circles that are called cover placed in those places)
Then If their comissar is killed and they have suffered lots of casualties etc. they would retreat because their morale is so low.
And they would randomly attack agaisnt our positions if they got enough men left.
I know how to do morale thing, and that they randomly attack but I dont have good ideas how to make em clever enough to cover or that they would lets say do some maneuvers like flank or so. Is it even possible?