My 'Net friend whom I met via an openCanvas thread on TIGSource sent me an IM one day saying "Can you help me with my endeavor?"... strange to say the least, lol, especially since we had hardly talked outside openCanvas. I asked him to explain the "endeavor", and I told him that I could indeed help him with his game idea.
And I have been. Quite a bit. I've been using Construct, which has served to fulfill his "endeavor" quite fabulously.
You've Got Red On You is going to be a game with no real plot that I can foresee. The biggest explanation he's given me is a small thread he started on TIGSource (LINK) and a world map he doodled. It's basically a zombie game with irrelevant playable characters and bizarre bosses with little to no relationship to zombies. (We'll probably figure out one to satisfy the player's interest.)
The entry will probably (or hopefully) be a single level, serving as the dungeon of the Zombie Top Hat. He'll be a Magician's Hat, from whom he himself will drop bombs and zombie bunnies. There's (hopefully) going to be a cool surprise waiting at the end of the battle. PRAY THAT WE FINISH IT!
[edit] Oh, and Shade Kirby 500 is helping out with it.