Is there an example of doing this?
Not yet, but odds are someone will make one now Seriously though, there isn't and if I can manage to do it, I will upload it for you to see/use. You want the characters to get knocked away farther as damage increases right?
just store there dmg % as a value and multiply there knockback ratio by a certain % of that value. its simple really, if you mean making the characters knock back thats a diff story, then youd have to program some wierd physics thing
Yeah, I want them to get knock higher as their damage percentage increase. I just wish I knew the ratio.
Sorry, but do you mean the ratio as in literally the amount of damage to knockback, or how to use it? If you need to know the number of the ratio, then I can't help you there (I don't play Smash Bros. much, and don't own the Gamecube/Wii versions.)
I think with knocking players back according to damage, you can't just work out the exact correct ratio. It's the kind of thing you just tweak until it looks/plays right.
True, but I want to know if he already has an idea of how to do it or not.
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I know how to do it, just want to know if how to do it.
Ok, I think I know what you mean. I will try to make something to help you know how to do it in Construct.
Here you go.
Nice example Doppel.
Azu, I am still working on my example but if this one does fine for you then I might just turn mine into a little fighting game.
Argh it wont let me edit my post, here is a link to my example:
It works but would probably work better as two moving objects against each other instead of the player moving into the stationary bad guy.