A few things in your cap seem a little long-winded. It's best in my opinion to use the function object, define clear functions like "Open Door" and call them passing the according parameters. That way you'll end up with a very clean setup.
To fix your cap quickly, you could just merge events 2 and 3 of the gimmicks sheet into one event that makes more sense. Basically it would look like this:
<img src="http://dl.dropbox.com/u/2306601/switchy.png">
Now there shouldn't be any more picking confusion and the right doors will open.
Other than that I noticed you move your doors by simply adding +X to the position, without applying Timedelta. This will result in different door opening speed on different systems. You don't want that.
Also instead of comparing the animation frame paired with a trigger once condition, you could just use the "On any animation finished" condition. In theory it's better in case there are multiple doors on the same frame at the same time. Don't forget to uncheck the loop property of the animations for this to work.
A word of advice on a different matter: if you want people to look into your cap, try to get rid of custom plugins/effects if they're not necessary for the problem at hand. Or at the very least mention and link the custom plugins needed to open your cap.