So I got this to work but now have another issue that probably has to do with similar misunderstandings of how construct works as previous ones I made in the thread. First, here's how I implemented it:
I made 2 groups, "Main Game Events" and "Animate Movement"
"Animate Movement" Group has teh following code (+> denote subevents/conditions -> denote actions)
EDIT: Replaced code with image
<img src="">
That all works great. However, I want to put a Delay action before the Units: Move 3 pixels at blah blah blah. The reason is that I want to do some sort of priming effect to grab the player's attention to the unit that is about to move (so I'd put the actions for that effect right before the Units: Move action so something like, resize unit, delay, resize unit back, delay, Units: Move, etc etc).
When I put in a delay, even if it's 1ms, it breaks everything, and causes ALL the units move not to the grids objects corresponding to them, but to grid objects in order from 1 to whatever number of units I have, and ALL units move together. To me this suggests that my picking for both Units and Grid is somehow broken by that delay, and it's just picking the first objects created by UID, etc. Why, and how can I fix it? Thanks again