Is it possible to put plugin source code up on the SVN so users can add things to the plugins? Or is it up there and I dont see it.... ... t/Plugins/
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thank you Ashley guess Im just blind lol. I got another question. If we add features to the plugins what are the odds of them being included in the builds? I had an Idea for an option to set the ignoring input in the platform behavior off by default because I know people use it for AI with the input off. I looked through the behavior and its only a couple of lines of code....
You can try, but there's no guarantee the patch will be merged in to the main source - if it's an obscure feature then the core plugins and behaviors probably should be kept at just a basic set of features (otherwise they end up incredibly complicated). It's best to first plan out what you want to do, then get in touch with the original plugin developer (if they're still around) and agree it with them. In the case of ignoring input by default... it's a single action in a start of layout event, it's hard to see a strong case why that's so necessary...
If you have 10 or 15 objects with different AI routines then that is 10 or 15 events. Then it would be handy.
I have to throw in my two cents here
I would say the majority of people use platform behavior for players
especially people new to construct
it would be confusing for input to be disabled by default
if anything it should be a checkbox in properties
I had an Idea for an option to set the ignoring input in the platform behavior off by default because I know people use it for AI with the input off.
yeah thats what I said.
Oh, gotcha. I thought you were saying it should always be off by default.
Time to brush up on my reading coomprehension
Why not just make a new plug and call it a platform ai object?