For your information, the Construct codebase has been moved from CVS source control to SVN source control. SVN is much better, especially with the TortoiseSVN client!
The CVS is still there, but will not be updated and I plan on closing it soon, it's only in case something vital was missed in the move and is only on CVS.
The new SVN root is:
I've also added Canvas under SVN source control.
YAY SVN! Ive been using it for my flash games and I like it more that CVS getting the code off teh CVS was a pain in the *****
Yep, CVS ****** I have to say, TortoiseSVN is a fine, fine piece of software. That, with an SVN repository, is probably the nearest thing to perfect source code control I have ever used.
TortoiseSVN is uncomfortable if you use more than one server though... I'm more of a RapidSVN fan
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Just for the record, I disabled the CVS today, so we're 100% SVN now.
oh wow
I know I'm incredibly late on this
but goodness this is so much more user friendly then the cvs
right click, checkout, paste url
mod or dev, please sticky this for new plugin pioneers
bumping this for sticky