We have the opportunity to run a Construct Classic advert for free on GameDev StackExchange, if you have an account and want to support Construct Classic, all the votes and comments will help!
http://meta.gamedev.stackexchange.com/q ... 11/458#458
2 more votes and it will be put through! Appreciate all the votes so far, thank you
Voted! Just one more now
i tried but i don't have enough reputation points...since i currently have 0.
Thanks Mipey, and no worries Harrio, thanks for looking!
Fantastic! It's up and running now, thanks for the votes!
Apparently I have to register, so I doubt I'd have enough reputation points..
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Same to me, i would like to vote
Ah, this website supports OpenID, i tried to vote it but it appears Vote Up requires 15 reputation :S
Yup. Just answer a few questions and you'll get here in no time.