It always amazes me how programmers reply to reasonable questions like the ones I have posed.
What can you call a thing other than "variable" that is more descriptive and more readily understandable to non-initiates? I'm sure you can find a better word or phrase if you cared to think about it for longer than a second or two. I know I can. For non-global variables, instead of a dead and indeterminate noun, why not use a verb like "remember". "Remember"(something) would hold whatever you wanted in its "memory" until it is replaced by something else. A global variable could be equally descriptive by using another active phrase that everyone can understand like "remember forever" (something). This is how we speak and this is how we think.
Considering that something is "advanced" or "professional", simply because it is obscure is nonsense.
The word "variable" is used for variables because that's what they are. It's hardly obscure... it is the correct terminology, and is widely used. There is no need to dumb it down, just learn what "variable" means. Not only is it correct, it doesn't make you look foolish when you're trying to relate your game making experiences to your peers. "Oh, you know... the remembery thing. It remembers stuff."
How we speak and how we think changes over time, by learning new words and concepts. Learn the proper terms and concepts you need for the task at hand. There's nothing wrong with that.
[quote:31ih90hh]Oh yes . . . Deadeye - that avatar of yours speaks volumes, you know.
Um... just an fyi, I'm not a programmer . The only programming language I have experience with is BASIC, which I learned when I was ten years old. And if I'm not mistaken, that's around the age range of Kodu's target audience? I knew what a variable was then. I claim no special mental ability (in fact, I'm pretty average). So if a ten year old kid can understand the concept of variables, then what's the problem?
I think perhaps you (and even the makers of Kodu) are greatly underestimating the capabilities of children, let alone adults. There are 14 year old kids on this forum making things at a level of complexity well beyond what is shown in that Kodu video. Were they able to do so right out of the box? No. They did have to learn it...
The thing is, though, those same 14 year old kids who had to learn to make their games did so in a mere fraction of the time that they would if they were learning a true programming language like C++ or C#. Which goes to show that, yes, Construct is much more "humanly readable." So there are some words you don't know... well, the dictionary is readily available, and there's documentation, tutorial files, and helpful members of the community willing to lend a hand if you get stuck, so... what's the problem, again?
[quote:31ih90hh]Games and game logic are incredibly simple if you care to be honest about it. There is no need to add layers of complexity just so those who consider themselves "professionals" don't feel let down.
If you can claim that game logic is so simple then I'd be interested in seeing what kind of games you've made. And if Construct didn't have those extra layers of complexity then it would be completely useless for people who are serious about making games.
It's all a rather pointless argument, though. It just seems that Construct isn't the tool for you. Most game making programs out there require experience with a scripting language, if not an outright programming language (Like C# for XNA). GameMaker's default event system is horrible for making games, so if you want to do a serious project with it you need to delve into their proprietary GML script. The only thing that comes close to Construct's point-and-click event system that has any sort of power is Multimedia Fusion 2, and if you think Construct's event sheets look confusing, just go and have a look at theirs.
So by all means... if you find another product out there that has the power of Construct, yet speaks in plain English and has an easy, candy flavored interface that you don't need to type anything into then I'm all ears.
If you can't help yourself to understand and learn the program, then DO NOT use it.. go to your Doku or whatever **** software you want to compare with construct.
Look how many beginners has learned much about the program by not being lazy of reading tutorials and stuff.
There's no need to get snippy, HB. Please, let's all be civil.