Thanks for the advice guys. I haven't yet found the perfect way for starting, advancing (like, making it faster by pressing a button) and ending dialogue, but I'll write up the solution once I got it.
25) What I'm thinking right now, reading the other thread about the text object...
Wouldn't it be cool if we'd have a couple more options in it? Like, imagine your typical adventure game. Right now, I invoke dialogue like everyone else I guess.
If character overlaps another character and keys is pressed - make text fields visible, write text: "Blabla" at 1 letter per 30ms
Now, firstly:
what if my character has multiple dialog boxes?
Wouldn't it be a lot better if we'd extend the parameters dialog box for the write text action so that we could:
a) have bigger dialogues - right now, it's sorta constrained to 2 lines, which is a bit limiting, so the dialogue field should adjust to the text I put into them.
b) have an option to add multiple text fields into one 'write text' action - same thing as with the timeline. So we could have a simple event with a single 'write text' action and the character could still tell me a whole story, spanning multiple dialog boxes?
c) Couldn't we somehow add a 'is finished?' option to the Text Object? Also, it'd be cool if we could have an option so that we could automatically change the '1 letter per ** ms' option. So we could set it globally: If global variable 'Dialogue' is 1 and action button is pressed: Set Write Speed to 90ms (default would be 30). Then we could add a: If text is finished and action button is pressed - either go to next dialogue box or if there isn't one, finish dialogue.
I know I haven't completely thought it through at the moment, but maybe it'll still help. Try to follow me here, my way of setting a dialogue up would be like that:
a) Character overlaps another character.
b) Character presses the action button to start the dialogue. The dialogue consists of two dialogue boxes.
b.2) Character can press the action button again to speed up the write speed.
c) Dialogue 1 is finished - Character presses the action button to start the next dialogue box.
d) Dialogue 2 is finished - Character pressed the action button to complete dialogue.
So if we could set this directly in the WriteText action, it'd be awesome. We could set a characters dialogue with multiple dialogue boxes and add a: "At the completion of the previous Dialogue Box, send a 'is finished' call." at the bottom, so we could set a: If Write Text is finished and player presses the action button, set global variable dialogue to 0.
And with the global variable 'Dialogue' we could set it to display Text Boxes if it's set to 1 and kill them if it's set to 0.
I'm a bit tired right now and I know that I haven't thought it through completely, but I hope that made sense. It's a bit of a pain right now to organize dialogues and it'd be cool if that could be simplified and streamlined. Dialogue is freaking important for a lot of genres.