Hello. I've started to make a mmorpg in Construct! Just now I'm cleaning up the registration and login codes (They work!) and then I'll start on charaterselect before actuall gameplay.
It's easyer than i thought!
Yea. I am. Don't belive me?
I think its generally better to make the login last, and the engine first...
What are you making it in and how?
The HTTP object connects to a php file that handles most things.
In realtime???
I suspect he means the login system.
HTTP could work for turn based games though.
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
well, I guess you could consider it multiplayer online RPG.. yea, just like the web browser games,
well good luck.
Where's the cap.
can you backflip?
Of course you can back flip what are you talking about. No back flipping? what do you think we are Stencyl?
In my computer. Why?
It's just, it's not actually possible to do the gameplay yet . That's what I imagine others are interested in.
yea you just made a claim, but um, have nothing to show or tell us about how you did it, so why bother?