SoldjahBoy, the idea is to make it so EVERYBODY can make the needed changes and run the applications. If programmers went around creating error messages essentially saying "you poor sap, you're too stupid to use my app," I don't think there would be any users at all. Besides, think about it. You had to learn somehow at some point too, right?
True... I just get frustrated at the endless idiots that come into my shop everyday... it's easy for me to just think "you are dumb... begone!"
Having said that, when I was learning... I read the messages and took note of what they said. Ignorance and plain lazy/stupidity are two different things. I still think the way you worded the error message is best though as the "technical" information was put at the end so people who don't understand/care about that stuff don't get turned off of reading the helpful dialog box.
Stupid people should still be dragged to the street and shot though IMO.