According to Google translate people are being pretty nasty in a different language, which isn't really cool. Threads not in English will be locked especially if people are using a different language to insult people behind their backs.
Anyways, this is really boring, if you want to argue on the internet you came to the wrong site. I'm not taking sides, I'm just closing this, because the whole thing is really stupid and nobody here seems to be dealing with anything well. I honestly don't care to deal with stupid internet arguments so if nobody is being constructive expect to see the post closed off like this. If you hold any bitterness or anger still, after seeing this post closed off, you are still not dealing with it well and need to chill out for a while, because it's not that important, plus I don't care and any subsequent angry posts will also be locked. If you have an issue with how anything is being moderated, at any time, please take it up with PM and I will discuss it with you privately.