[quote:n942oxc7]I know lots of people will say "program custom platofrm behaviors"
People don't say that around here . In fact, the goal is to make the Platform behavior so complete and so useful that you would only need to make a custom movement under very rare circumstances.
And I agree completely that the platform behavior should have "Additional X Velocity" and "Additional Y Velocity" settings (in fact, I requested this very same thing a long time ago). That is basically the one advantage that the MMF2 Platform Movement Object has over the Construct Platform Behavior.
It's pretty much the only thing that MMF2's platform object can do easily that Construct can't do, without wrangling PV's around and manually updating the speed of the Platform behavior.
I noticed that David has put in a similar feature into the Custom Movement behavior (you can add velocity in addition to setting velocity) so maybe this could be something to consider for the PB as well?
Just in case anyone is wondering what the use of such a thing might be, let's say there was an "Add to X Speed" action along with the existing "Set X component of motion" action. Then you could do this to make an easy conveyor belt:
+ Player is overlapping Conveyor at offset (0, 1)
-> Player: Platform: Add -200 to X Speed
It would take just one action to make a conveyor belt that moves the player to the left. Currently you would have to create a system to override the normal movement of the player and hard-set the speed to playerTargetSpeed + conveyorSpeed, which can be a pain if you want to retain natural acceleration and deceleration of the player. You're looking at a series of events to handle the whole thing rather than just one action.