Has anyone published a Construct 3 game at GameDistribution.com?

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From the Asset Store
Casino? money? who knows? but the target is the same!
  • Last week I posted this in the "General Discussion" section of this forum, but got only one response that didn't help me resolve the problem. I thought I'd post it again in this "Plugin SDK" section in hopes of getting more responses.

    I recently completed and debugged my first Construct 3 game. After looking into several publishing options, I decided to try GameDistribution.com. GameDistribution monetizes games via in-app advertising.

    I downloaded and installed a required GameDistribtionSDK addon in the game and added the command "show an advertisement" at a strategic place in the game code.

    I exported the game as HTML5 and then uploaded the created zip file to GameDistribution.com for testing. The game works fine at the GameDistribution test site, except no ads are showing up. I don't know if the fault lies in the GameDistributionSDK addon OR in Construct 3's "Export-HTML5" process.

    Has anyone out there ever successfully implemented a Construct 3 game at GameDidtribution.com? If so, I'd like to hear from you.

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • Sorry, I don't have any experience with this service. But if this a browser game, try pressing F12 and see if there are any errors in Console log.

  • I did just that and also consulted with an HTML/JavaScript expert.

    It appears that if you "Minify" the script on Export, Construct 3 will "obfuscate" the main JavaScript, but not the GameDistributionSDK third party add-on. This caused the "display an advertisement" command to be unrecognized.

    I had to deselect the "Minify" option and export the game again. It's now working correctly at GameDistribution.com.

    Thank you for your suggestion.

  • I would not recommend you to use that service, because those guys are scammers and it's a well know thing. You can find one topic on this forum:


    Use gamedistribution if you don't want to earn any money, because they want pay you, here you can see their unhappy clients:





  • I'm sorry to answer so lately.. Dev989 summarized all, don't consider this platform.

    Despite they're not paying, they also lie about any 'featuring' possibilities.

    They told me that it could possible to feature my game on the homepage, but ofcourse they never did.

    They told me that there is an issue in my game that breaks it on their platform, but it was an issue on their side.

    My game is here: gamedistribution.com/games/bikosaur – But I highly suggest you to not loose time with this platform, they don't seem to care about indie developers at all.

  • sleepingpanda Thanks for the info.

    Why haven't you removed your game? These scammers are profiting from it and not paying you any money..

  • What publishing/distribution sites/companies do you recommend for games developed in Construct 3?

    I looked into Google, Amazon and Facebook, but they have so many hoops to jump through to get published.

  • We've been using GameDistribution.com for over a year and we have published two games there, one made with Construct 3 and one made with Phaser. The Construct game has performed really bad compared to the Phaser one but that's not because of the engine used :)

    They did feature our Construct game on their site for a while and we were also part of the newsletter they send out.

    We have gotten paid for every month (although sometimes a bit irregularly).

    One problem we have with GameDistribution is that they are promoting so many clones of popular games. We're going to release our next game on Poki.com and see how that works out.

  • dop2000 Thanks for the info.

    Why haven't you removed your game? These scammers are profiting from it and not paying you any money..

    That's a good question, and a good argument as well.

    The thing is Bikosaur is my first game, and I told myself that this could be the one which I could try several things no matter it succeeds or fails so that I can learn a lot for next more serious projects.

    You're right I should probably remove my game from their store anyway. x)

    aryd What publishing/distribution sites/companies do you recommend for games developed in Construct 3?

    I looked into Google, Amazon and Facebook, but they have so many hoops to jump through to get published.

    I guess it depends on your game type, what you want to do with it, and your audience.

  • I have a turn-based, strategy game centered around crossing a grid and escaping before being destroyed by pursuing enemies - sort of like a cross between chess and minesweeper.

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