Mikal : As guidance I would be very interested to hear what some of your top 2-3 3rd party addons are - that you think substantially help the C3 community and Scirra? I think this would help us understand what type of addons you are thinking about as you update the V2 SDK.
Ashley : The addon SDK is best at integrating additional platform features or third-party services. For example third-party addons that provide support for ad networks (of which there seem to be dozens), or back-end services like authentication, high-scores and analytics with various third-party providers, or enhanced platform services such as advanced IAP or other monetization features (perhaps through Cordova plugins, which I think the addon SDK has reasonably good support for), or integrating with third-party platforms like itch.io and Newgrounds, are all good examples of the kind of thing the addon SDK was designed for. All the possible integration work with different services and platforms is a huge amount of work which is infeasible for us to complete alone, and if we do it anyway it takes development time away from core engine features that only we can do. Allowing third-party addons means all that integration can happen without needing us being involved. None of that needs addons to access the internal engine, and that is partly why the originally documented API was quite thin.
So what you're saying is service integration is "the kind of thing the addon SDK was designed for", and it is the "type of addons you are thinking about as you update the V2 SDK"
So apparently this is part of the reason why we're about to go from being able to use 100% of the features of the C3 runtime when we need them, to only 1-2% with the locked/restrictive SDK2.
(even though SDK1 and C3 Runtime will still exist and still be used by every single official Plugin and Behavior under the hood)
But service integrations (like firebase/ads provider) require a very active maintaining, and the fact they break so often has absolutely nothing to do with official C3 updates. Most of the popular existing service integration addons require to be updated every few month to keep working, because external services themself are evolving pretty fast. So if 80% of the addons are service-related post SDK2, then the average addon would break much more frequently than today.
It looks like a few big 3rd party services like GameAnalytics made their own C3 integration in the past, but then never updated them since then, so you're about to do the opposite of the stated objective (supporting external services) by making the few solutions that exist today obsolete and by restricting everything else (actual engine/gameplay extensions)
As opposed to Scirra vision about 3rd party addons, every single competitor understand the value of letting anyone to create and share actual tools and game engine extension (besides just service integrations), here is the industry standard in gamedev :
- Game Maker: just *open sourced* their runtime this year (while you plan to lock/hide yours even more), this week they also announced support for in-editor extension + JS support coming this year btw
- Unity: source available, thousands of great tools on Github and the official Asset Store, used by probably >95% of commercial Unity games and often more robust than official features
- Godot: open source, fastest growing engine in term of resources, game releases, addons and popularity
- Unreal engine: source available, huge asset store
- GDevelop: open source (closest alternative to C3), a bunch of community-made addons are officialy endorsed by the GDevelop team and can be directly added from the editor as official behaviors
- Phaser: open source
- PlayCanvas: open source
- Defold: source available
- ... and many more
One of the main reason why some of those indie engines (like GMS or Godot) have 100x more indie games hits is because there are 100x less frictions for addon devs to create powerful tools to extend the engine, which also means 100x less friction for any gamedev using of those engine to make the game they envision thanks to those tools
For example YellowAfterLife, one of the best GameMaker Studio 3rd party dev, is credited in those games : Nuclear Throne, Forager, Shovel Knight Pocket Dungeon, Voidigo, Cave Blazrs, Samurai Gunn 2, Knight Club, Rivals of Aether, Nidhogg 1 & 2... and many more because all those games use their amazing GMS tools
RexRainbow, who was the most prolific and talented Construct addon dev at the Construct 2 era, decided to quit C3 because of all the restrictions that were added to addon making a few years ago (and it was nothing compared to what's about to happen here), so they instead became a profilic Phaser addon dev and a bunch of their Phaser tools were used to develop one of the biggest indie hit ever : Vampire Survivor.