Addon SDK v2

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Data+ is the best Data Management solution for Construct 3. It contains 4 Addons (Plugin & Behavior).

    If addon developers try to bypass it, then we will just create the same problem all over again - and we will have to take steps to mitigate that, to prevent the ultimate problem of customer projects being ruined. Once again, I am reduced to a warning, even though that has proven to be weak: if you find a way to bypass encapsulation, don't do it! It'll end in disaster, and we'll end up in a situation like this again.

    What about addons that are purely written for personal purposes? If I decide to write some hacky addon for my own game that I don't publish anywhere that shouldn't cause a problem, right? The only project that will break is mine, a risk I might be willing to take.

    The issue is always that advanced devs want access to certain aspects of behaviors and engine to mold it for their exact purpose. I still wish we had a way to modify build-in plugins/behaviors purely for our own purposes. If it breaks it's my issue to fix. If it gets updated it's on me to update it on my end. People have even said they're willing to pay extra for this if that's what it takes.

    But I guess there's little point in arguing about it so yeah, let's move forward with it and fingers crossed.

    Speaking of build-in addons, I don't know the current status but I do remember quite some build-in addons do use undocumented features (an example used to be the collision engine, which was added now tho but not fully). Will this not cause some issues at some point or are build-in addons handled differently in the first place?

    In my opinion that could be a good starting point for the API. On paper, I should be able to entirely re-build a build-in addon from scratch, only using the documented API. If something is missing, then it should be added.

    Examples from the platform behavior:




    All of these seem to be super useful, no? That should be added, and it should be added without me having to specifically ask for it, because realistically how am I supposed to be even aware those exist (apart from accessing the behaviors code on my own accord for some reason)

    In my opinion that could be a good starting point for the API. On paper, I should be able to entirely re-build a build-in addon from scratch, only using the documented API. If something is missing, then it should be added.

    Wait? Shouldn't that be the minimum? How are you suppose to extend C3 in any meaningful way with an API that isn't even flexible enough to create its own existing features?

    I thought these discussions are about things like Skymen hacking in the ability to have different sampling modes on different layers. Things that currently aren't possible.

    I thought these discussions are about things like Skymen hacking in the ability to have different sampling modes on different layers. Things that currently aren't possible.

    Well that too! The point is you would have to write your own push out solid code if you want to recreate it, even though the function exists in construct (and probably better integrated and written than I could). Right now you could probably access it even though it's undocumented... but with SDK2 it will be gated off.

    And I don't think there's a way to register a collision event without hacking. Aka one that will trigger onCollision conditions. Maybe I'm wrong tho I haven't touched the SDK in a while. I just looked into one of my hacky addons and I'm specifically calling a function from the platformer behavior _HandleAnimationTriggers() so that I can trigger onLanded() and similar. I guess that too will be gated off?

    Do you think caring about our community means allowing customer projects to continue to get ruined over the next few years, and possibly risking some huge disaster, when we know we can take action to prevent that?

    You are forgetting the fact that WE are customers, advanced customers, and probably we are the serious ones making money out of construct. You really have no idea of how many projects will break up permanently, this decision won't help us, the CUSTOMERS. I don't see Scirra considering allowing the v1 of the SDK to live forever, why removing it? Improving it is perfectly fine, but removing it?!?! I'm affraid this decision will cause more problems than benefits, even for those addons that didn't hack the SDK. And I'm pretty sure you are not fixing your customers projects, we have done it in a daily basis every time construct breaks. I had had to workaround Construct 3 bugs so many times, much more commonly than by using a 3rd party plugin. My in-house plugins had never broken a project on every c3 release, but the c3 release itself had, even delaying my delivery schedule for months several times because it broke existing functionalities that are c3 features, or because your priorities don't align with the bug fixing. Yeah I've lost money because of this. I perfectly know what I'm talking about, already been in the software industry for over 20 years. Do not neglect that v1 sdk must be kept alive. Investing time and money in the projects and accelerators I've developed for the past 5 years is a huge project. It will only push me to evaluate alternatives where the accelerators and features already exist, where I don't have to develop them again just because sdk v1 will be removed. Some of my addons took me over a year to be properly developed, of course all of that is not public, you are missing that important part: what you don't see in the forums/community.

    Wait? Shouldn't that be the minimum? How are you suppose to extend C3 in any meaningful way with an API that isn't even flexible enough to create its own existing features?

    I thought these discussions are about things like Skymen hacking in the ability to have different sampling modes on different layers. Things that currently aren't possible.

    No, currently with SDK V1 here are the built-in addons that use undocumented features (and by that I don't mean easily replaceable ones, I mean the plugin is impossible without them or requires rewriting chunks of the engine):

    Plugins: 3D Camera, FlowchartController, ShadowLight, Sprite, Spritefont, Text, Tilemap, Timeline Controller, Drawing Canvas

    Behaviors: Bullet, Car, Custom, LOS, Persist, Solid

    Addons that use undocumented features for what I think are important features, but that can be worked around or removed for worse UX:

    Plugins: 3D Shape, 9 Patch, Particles, SVG, TiledBG, HTMLElement, Advanced Random

    Behaviors: 8 Direction, Move to, Physics, Platform, Tile Movement, Tween

    And here are ones that use undocumented features to provide slightly better UX (again, and said UX cannot be replicated) but otherwise fit perfectly inside V1:

    Plugins: LocalStorage, Audio

    Behaviors: Sine, Rotate, Orbit

    This list has been made by being reasonable on what counts as an undocumented feature, and what is just built in addons being better designed inside the engine.

    I am not making this list to ask Scirra to make addons using the SDK features because this is far from a viable option. I am just using these as an example of how low the bar is. When we say 3rd party addon devs have been asking for features we consider as basic, we do not mean "hacking in the ability to have different sampling modes on different layers". Not anywhere close.

    In fact, I asked that same exact question to Ashley 7 months ago.

    At the time, the answer boiled down to "don't make an addon then".

    For some addons, this can mean "use events", but for other addons, this means "don't make that at all"

    In his reply on that thread he mentions

    The solution to this is: define and document a public API with specific methods that you promise to support indefinitely. Then we know the feature set we have to support when making changes. This is the standard and widely accepted approach in the software industry.

    But that is not how software works in 99% of major companies. Breaking changes have all the time that's why things like symantic versioning exist. Eventually there will always be breaking changes weather it's add-ons or optimizations or new features. IMO the fix is to have better versioning. What's happening now is a lose/lose situation for everyone involved. It adds more friction and does not really solve the underlying problem.

    This is why i stopped using 3rd party plugins a long time ago, even when i saw some really cool and useful ones. As just a user i dont know where the fault lies. I simple have no confidence to use them.

    It's just a shame because although Construct is updated a lot surprisingly little of the user suggestions gets added, and a lot of features that are added are half implemented, just enough to tantalise you with what could be possible, only to disappoint you at the last hurdle.

    It's funny because you provide feedback to Scirra saying that C3 really needs for example an easy and comprehensive way to do UI's, they moan and say we cant, theres no easy way and we're just a small company, then one guy goes and creates proui showing that it is possible, but you still cant use it because C3 breaks it every update.

    You might think well thats the point of SDK v2 if the plugin referenced things it shouldnt, but clearly then the SDK as it was intended is not useful enough, and from the sounds of it V2 will make it even less so.

    People like Mikal ask for things to be added to it, but the response again is always no. We could have cool lighting for 3d for example.

    I'm pretty sure this wont be the last time every one needs to update their extensions again though.

    It's incredibly sad and demotivating... From my point of view, this situation proved to everyone a single reality: SCIRRA couldn't care less about the advanced community, given that the vast majority of its customers are school-aged children and hobbyists. Such an incredible community, simply left to fend for themselves.

    I really wish to be wrong in my opinion, but I think this decision is shooting Scirra in the foot...

    A lot of the community made Plugins are awesome. Sadly I stopped using them a while ago since eventually all plugins get broken or abandoned. Now with this I hope they either get all fixed and not all abandoned :/

    Developers who mention in this thread that they are not using addons - I envy you. Unfortunately, it's not an option if you are making a commercial game.

    If you need multiplayer or online features - you HAVE to use Playfab, Photon, Firebase etc. Making mobile game - you NEED monetization addons. Working with a publisher - you NEED analytics addons.

    There is no choice or free will. Without the addons there will be no game.

    If you need multiplayer or online features - you HAVE to use Playfab, Photon, Firebase etc. Making mobile game - you NEED monetization addons. Working with a publisher - you NEED analytics addons.

    You don't need to access the internal details of the engine to write addons that access third-party services like multiplayer and analytics, or platform features like monetization. All those kinds of addons can still be made with the Addon SDK v2. We are not removing support for making addons entirely!

    One more thing. The primitives you need to write a behavior are setting the position and testing overlap. The "push out" algorithms are combinations of "move a bit and test position".

    Here's the code for a simple "push out" method:

    Here's a sample project file using it.

    That's 19 lines of code. It works to 1px precision (like most of the internal methods). Want sub-pixel precision? That's not easy with the internal methods, but if it's your code you can tweak it to your heart's content. Want even more advanced collision handling? It's your code, you can customize it. And this will be supported forever - there's no internal engine access and no risk of disaster.

    As an aside: why aren't the internal 'push out' APIs already exposed? Well, we have learned a lot about writing collision handling code over the past decade or more. If we were to start over I could probably write those methods a lot better with an improved API. However backwards compatibility concerns and time constraints mean they're just left as-is for the time being - slightly sub-par in their overall design, but they do the job OK; for us it's not a problem as if it's internal code and we decide it's a problem, in theory we can just go and replace everything and update our internal references. If we expose them as-is in the JavaScript API, then we basically get locked in with the slightly sub-par design, and it becomes far more difficult to upgrade in future. So really to expose them means redesigning a set of collision APIs - a much more significant job. And even then, you can't customize the internals of the engine easily. What if you want something like sub-pixel precision or some other more advanced handling? Well, if you start by writing 19 lines of code, you have the most advanced solution available: a completely customizable implementation that you can hack around with as much as you like and there is no risk of compatibility disaster with projects. It's even more flexible than adding an API for it. The community could share libraries with useful implementations, and customize those libraries if they need to, and JavaScript Modules are extremely good for code re-use.

    I think part of the problem is once people figure out they can reach into the internal details of the engine, then people end up solving every problem they have doing that - risking a compatibility disaster every time - even when there are straightforward better options around. For example this suggestion appears to involve code reaching in to the internal engine and risking compatibility disaster when a static method could have sufficed and would have worked robustly indefinitely. If we use encapsulation to close off the access to the engine, then I suspect in many cases people will revert to already-viable workarounds - which they could and should have used in the first place - and in future people will start to learn the better solutions that don't involve reaching in to the engine internals all the time.

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    You don't need to access the internal details of the engine to write addons that access third-party services like multiplayer and analytics, or platform features like monetization.

    Yeah, sorry, I didn't suggest that we necessarily need access to internal details. I meant it's not possible to avoid using addons completely. And even with SDK v2-compatible addons we still need someone to convert them, which may be problematic.

    Ashley In this case:

    For example this suggestion appears to involve code reaching in to the internal engine and risking compatibility disaster when a static method could have sufficed and would have worked robustly indefinitely.

    It is more mixed, yes the original author should not have go into the internals, but also the SDK could have supported the required function, but it was not available at the time.

    Yes, the suggested work around is possible by editing every addon that needs the workaround. I think we can agree having the top level SDK method which did not require that is more beneficial and more compatible across all addons. You mentioned adding the top level SDK in the discussion, which is a good idea.

    So, please keep this in mind for V2 SDK, don't expose the bare minimum to match SDK V1, it should be a nice rounded, powerful superset. That will put C3 and SDK V2 authors on a nice trajectory to make the C3 community successful. Which in turn makes Scirra successful. Also, it would be less work for you in the long run in terms of back and forth requests for V2 additions and more importantly if SDK V2 is too limited, prior C3 addons may no longer be possible to be ported to SDK V2, creating a compatibility disaster for users of these addons.

    I want to add that I think the discussion on that suggestion is a good back and forth between C3 dev and addon dev. Both sides working to come to a solution working towards improving C3 for the community, users and business.

    Ashley As guidance I would be very interested to hear what some of your top 2-3 3rd party addons are - that you think substantially help the C3 community and Scirra? I think this would help us understand what type of addons you are thinking about as you update the V2 SDK.

    If you have devs that are having issues with their current projects and addons that they need help with _now_, please also tell them to post in the forums or the Construct Community Discord or connect us with them. We (the C3 dev community) can help - we can potentially contact the original addon devs and we can fix the addon ourselves in the community as a stopgap until V2 SDK is comprehensive enough to handle a good forward compatible version of the addon.

    If there would be a convertor or at least an updated version of the unofficial c3ide, that would make updating plugins so much easier.

    This way I‘d likely have to fork and update many abandoned plugins myself to make my commercial projects work again. It‘s a lot of work to do and if it is necessary, the process should at least be highly optimized and as easy as possible.

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