How do I make a splash loading screen in a desktop game?

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  • It's possible to set an image as a splash screen for an Android or iOS export. But there is no such option for desktop exports.

    Is there any way to show a static image or logo (without the progress bar) while the game is loading?

    Note, that I'm not talking about the Loader layout, I mean the initial screen which is shown immediately when the game starts, before the Loader layout.

  • Desktop apps usually load more or less instantly as all the resources are available locally and so don't need downloading. The splash shown on Android/iOS is a system-level feature applied to all apps, and that concept doesn't exist on desktop systems like Windows. I guess you could just show your own banner on the first layout?

  • I can see the use of another default loader style being logo only and it uses the icon with the purpose loading logo for example.

    Currently we can only choose logo and progress bar.

  • Desktop apps usually load more or less instantly as all the resources are available locally and so don't need downloading.


    It really depends on the game. There is a project which is 7GB in size, and even on a fast gaming PC it takes several seconds before the first layout loads.

    Could you add another option to the "Loader style" setting - "Logo only"? (without the progress bar)

  • I thought that was just the pre-loader for C3's setup, and the loader layout was for memory loading.

  • afaik it's for loading all the assets on the loader layout.

  • Construct is designed to load layout-by-layout, and in desktop mode it won't even touch the other resources as it knows they're available locally - so I'd have thought it wouldn't matter if there is 7 GB of content, as it will still only load what it needs to display the first layout. Are you using NW.js with packaged assets by any chance? Maybe it's extracting the assets file, and if you turn that off it won't need to do it on startup.

    Anyway, you can have a loading logo (and why not leave the progress bar showing? it's useful feedback for the user)

  • Anyway, you can have a loading logo (and why not leave the progress bar showing? it's useful feedback for the user)

    Bc the bar has a specific styling that might not fit the games artstyle or mood.

    (You might be able to change the bar by messing with the exported files, or is styling the bar possible in c3?)

  • so I'd have thought it wouldn't matter if there is 7 GB of content, as it will still only load what it needs to display the first layout. Are you using NW.js with packaged assets by any chance?

    I tried creating a blank layout and set it as the first layout in the project - it still takes about 3 seconds to load, and the logo+progress bar are shown during this time.

    I'm testing in preview, but I believe it's the same in NWJS export.

  • Wouldn't sound preloading be the possible cause if there's a lot of sounds.

    Try unchecking the preloading, and if you need you could manually load them in the loader layout.

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  • It is a bit confusing.

    If it's loaded layout by layout what's the point of a loader layout?

  • I actually do think it has uses. The main point is that the loader layout specifically is loaded and displayed as quick as possible, while the first layout of the game keeps loading in the background. And you can customize the look of the loader layout, artificially delay actually loading into the game etc.

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