Thank you
Liberador for such a great improvement. I was trying to understand how everything worked and have a few questions.
My guesses:
1) Audio. My logic with the audio file was to turn it on when needed and when not, turn it off. You are running the audio file from the start and then adjusting its volume. Is it saving some PC resources and good for optimization, or just because it's easier?
2) Animation. As I can see, you removed idle animation, and then I tested it, and as I understood. Set repeat-to-frame works only with the first animation and only if the loop checkmark is on. Is that correct?
I don't understand:
1) Audio. Why was it used to set the engine volume to -1000 dB instead of using engine mute?
2) Audio. This was a great idea to set the playback rate to tank speed! Furthermore, I noticed a new sound for the engine (it sounds more like a heavy vehicle than mine). Is that free to use? Formula that I don't understand: 1+(abs(Tank.Car.Speed)*0.01) Okay, abs makes any number positive, but where did 1 and 0.01 come from?
3) Animation. How does that truck spawner even work? Truck speed movement is calculated based on tank speed, right? Can we use something like speed compare instead of the current animation frame?
Same things:
1) Optimization. I used fade to avoid too many track marks (before that I was counting total tracks and then destroying the first one).
2) Animation. Truck animation speed was connected to tank movement speed for a more realistic look.