I'm trying to make multiplayer game, and it works in PC's and MAC's browsers, also on Android's browsers, but I can't seem to make it work on iOS' browsers such as Safari or Chrome.
I can connect to signalling server "wss://multiplayer.scirra.com"
On signalling connected, then logged in, then joined room, no problem until this point.
but after that, on peer connected never called, both if my iOS device as host or client
I tried to check on every tick if peer count = 2, and it works, when another player came to the room, the peer count goes up to 2, I can see my ID, host ID, but I can't see peer ID (null or empty), and not long after that if my iOS device is the client, it will be kicked from the room
here is the .c3p file : drive.google.com/file/d/1rc74-ktQC99MqbW0c27pXiI9tXtjG057/view
Can anyone help me to make multiplayer work on iOS browser?