How do i fix the problem because of the framerate ?

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  • So my character is not jumping at the same high if my screen is 60 fps or 144 fps.

    Thats why i used delta time at first.

    what can i do ?

    This event didnt work at 60 fps but works at 144 :/

  • I didn’t now you could use decimals in the “every X seconds” condition, this actually works? That’s pretty amazing.

  • I had a similar problem just recently with one of my test projects.

    My project had players walking faster on 144fps monitors compared to 60fps monitors, so I used the "Every X seconds" action to cap how many times per second it can run.

    For example:

    This action is running 60 times per second.

    1 / 60 = 0.0166..

    I'd suggest using this and making your actions work how you want at 60fps, then they should work just as well at 144fps.

    doesnt work.. i dont know what can i do...

  • I had a similar problem just recently with one of my test projects.

    My project had players walking faster on 144fps monitors compared to 60fps monitors, so I used the "Every X seconds" action to cap how many times per second it can run.

    For example:

    This action is running 60 times per second.

    1 / 60 = 0.0166..

    I'd suggest using this and making your actions work how you want at 60fps, then they should work just as well at 144fps.

    if you want to figure it out... i am down... i hate this system. Why it can be simple ?

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  • Ended up finding this topic after literally just having problems with a Y vector at high FPS myself.

    I've applied a fix (which was to multiply the vector Y value I was using by 60, then add a '*dt' to attempt to make it FPS-independent, despite my assumption that vectors already were), but my problem is that I can't personally test it; my screen only goes up to 60fps.

  • See the tutorial Delta-time and framerate independence. If you get everything set up correctly it should work the same. I would not recommend using small fractional values with "Every X seconds" - it cannot run more than once a tick, and so in some cases it will just end up running every tick rather than at the interval you specified, so it will probably create other problems.

    An easy way to test if your game is truly framerate independent is:

    1. Temporarily set an unlimited framerate mode in project properties. This will let it run in hundreds or even thousands of frames per second. It should still work identically.
    2. Set a time scale of 0 to pause the game. Everything should stop. If anything carries on moving, it's not using delta-time.
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