Changing variable that has nothing to do with my timeline,stops it from playingURGENT!!!

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  • My player has 3 ability states,for each ability different things happends while the animation plays.The condition for it to happend is on a specific frame in the timeline animation[i have a tag on it that i use to check it].

    The condition to start the animation,is that the players cooldowns is less than 1 and to click the left button.

    for some reason even tho changing the ability states has nothing to do with wheter the animation plays,it still gets interrupted and refuses to play.

    Here is the image for events that relates to playing the animation.

    and here is an image for buying:

    and for equiping the ability:

    and for the last part here is an image of what happends when clicking on an ability in the *Shop*[i have 2 others that are exactly the same]:

    please i have up to 23:59 to get this done:(((


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  • for some reason even tho changing the ability states has nothing to do with wheter the animation plays,it still gets interrupted and refuses to play.

    How do you change the ability state? Do you need to click something with the left button? This would explain why the timeline is restarted.

    A simple way to test this is to add "Browser Log" action to your event #84.

    I am surprised you have such a big complex project and not using console logging - the most basic debugging tool.

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